Happy birthday Steph! May you continue to flail more prettily than a corkscrew. ^_~
So this cold I've been hit with has gotten me doing almost nothing lately. Everytime I had a critical thought towards my business, I was wracked with coughs. GRAH! You'd think after a month of eating my Dad's delicious and oh-so-healthy foods that I would be able to fight this off much better. *sighs* I guess having the cold which knocked out Shea for a solid two weeks compressed down to only three days isn't so bad.
As stolen from
dorukai Limits I set myself: superhero genre stuff only, no heroes I made up myself, no more than one hero from any given series. Ranked in no particular order.
1. Jackie Estacado - From The Darkness. Style, looks, the power to create anything and a kick-ass job. What more could you want?
2. Yomiko "the Paper" Readman - from Read or Die. Having control over paper is possibly the most awesome superpower ever. <-- Unchanged.
3. The Drummer - from Planetary. Ability to interact with all machines, be a natural deadzone to all hearing devices, can detect when magic has been used. And also a jackarse to boot.
4. Spiderman. *shrugs* I been reading Spiderman ever since as a lil' bub my cousin introduced me to comics in general. That and the general wisecracking when he's in battles.
5. Jenny Sparks - from Stormwatch & The Authority. Blonde with british accent and a kick-arse revolutionist attitude. Need I say more?
6. Daredevil - from the Daredevil comics. I like the direction they've taken him ever since Wilson Fisk went out of the picture.
7. The Bowler - from Mystery Men. Classic. Plus I've always like Janeane Garofalo. <-- Unchanged.
8. Blade from Tekkaman Blade. *shrugs*
9. Usagi Yojimbo - from the series by Stan Sakai. A wandering samurai rabbit, styled after Miyaomoto Musashi. <-- Unchanged.
10. Death - from Neil Gaiman's Sandman series & Death spinoff.
11. Manji from Blade of the Immortal. Carrying god knows how many sharp implements in the sleeves of his kimono and NOT get sliced to pieces by them? Pretty nifty if I do say so myself.
12. Gamma Akutabi from Zombie Powder. I don't really need to say why I admire him. He speaks for himself.
13. Kal Jerico - from Warhammer 40k: Necromunda series & Kal Jerico comics. Bounty hunter.
As stolen from
Interesting tequila article. Some of the best and the worst times of my life have involved tequila at some stage.
flavoured water. Who needs it really? I drink water straight from the tap. Alot of water. Probably more than I should.