Feb 18, 2009 12:01

Mensa finally sent the results of the IQ test, and it turned out even better than expected: IQ of 135, among the 1% highest in the population. In other words, I'm officially a Mensa member as soon as I get around to mailing the application. \o/

I'm doing ok at school. I don't skip as much as I have done in periods, and I currently don't have anything I'm overdue with.

My dad moved out yesterday, and I'll probably move during the weekend. I still have a lot to pack. I'm curious about how different life will be in the new home.

I'm far, far behind on pretty much every anime I watch. I'll have to pull myself together, and probably drop some shows. It doesn't exactly help when I suddenly start thinking about Star Wars again, joining a new Norwegian SW-forum, and considering to watch Clone Wars. D:

I went on one of my biweekly-ish music download sprees recently, and the loot was good. Highlights:

Fallin', the new song from nobodyknows+ and some other guy. Calmer and more emotional than usual for nobodyknows+, and very nice. DJ Mitsu's voice doesn't quite fit in, but does it really ever? :p

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5ZUwpHfBe4

I saw Teriyaki Boyz had released something recently. Now, Teriyaki Boyz and me have a weird relationship. I loved Tokyo Drift, and decided to download some more when I first heard it, before I had much interest in Japanese music, but I really didn't like it. Then, when I started listening to more J-urban, I decided to give them another chance. After all, Teriyaki Boyz consists of Ilmari and RYO-Z, members from Rip Slyme, which I love, Verbal, the rapper from M-flo, and one of the three Japanese rappers who knows English, and WISE, awesome solo rapper, and one of the other English-speaking ones. But still, they didn't impress. I figured I had to give them a third chance, though, and so I downloaded "Itsumo It's More", and... I really liked it. When I downloaded their recent album, though, I was disappointed. For some reason, Teriyaki Boyz started cooperating with lots of American rappers, and I don't like the resulting music, much preferring the group alone. If they only had more songs with just them... :/

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0JHXIPtCus

The third positive surprise was singer Kylee, who recently released the single for Xam'd ending Vacancy, and a video for one of the other songs, which name escapes me at the moment. The songs were good, and the videos weren't bad either. What confused me was that she sings in flawless English, without a single word Japanese. She reminded me a lot of BECCA, and I wondered if she, too, was American. Wikipedia told me that my suspicions were correct, but the shock came when I saw her age: born in 1994, currently 14 years old. If must be quite the experience to release a popular single in a completely different country (her mother is Japanese, but I doubt Kylee talks much of the language) at such an early age. I look forward to more music from her, even though her lyrics are a bit... meh. :p

Link (to Vacancy, none of the others are on YouTube): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhVJahXP6c8

happy, anime, music, school, iq, star wars

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