
Deep shit!

Oct 28, 2009 09:50

NB: T-shirt cock up!

In a spectacular f*** up, the Frank The Printer's minion, Rich has f***ed the t-shirt order sideways. He's told Frank I need the shirts tomorrow rather than today... I distinctly and emphatically specified today as the latest delivery date because I'm leaving town tonight to overnight in Leicestershire before heading up tomorrow. However, my mistake was involving People in a seemingly simple and straight forward course of action.

I'm currently trying to think of a work around, it may be that I have to stay over in Cov tonight and try to pick the shirts up very early tomorrow morning, but that involves screwing with three interconnected other things which need doing tonight/tomorrow.

FAO von_braun: Might need to give you a call later, are you around tonight?

In the worst case, is there anyone local who can collect Thursday or Friday and bring them up to Whitby? Be warned, you will need a car. They're surprisingly bulky and heavy.


GRRRR! People!!!
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