Title: Normalcy is Overrated
Fandom:Devil May Cry
Pairing/Characters: Dante/Nero,Lady
Rating: PG -13
Challenge/Prompt: writerverse
Word Count: 428
Warnings: Slight mention of Blood, Poor Attempt At Humor
Notes: ???
For not the first time, Nero asks himself how this became his life.
Logically, its not normal for a person to come home to find your lover on the floor in a pool of blood.
Nero pauses in the doorway, glancing from Lady to a bloody, seemingly dead Dante and back again at Lady. He closes the door behind him with his human hand.
Lady blows lightly across the barrel of her pistol before sliding into her thigh holster. "Hey, Nero." She smiles. She's always more chipper after wounding Dante.
Nero lifts the bags of groceries held by his demonic arm. "Are you staying for dinner?"
"No." She answers as she heads towards Dante's desk. She opens the middle file drawer, pulling it all way out. "I'm just here for one thing."
A snort comes from the floor. "Money grubbing harpy."
Nero walks across the room, he stops when his foot is grabbed. He sighs, looking down. "What?"
"She shoots me in the the head," the older hunter sits up, grimacing at the holes in his shirt, "And you invite her for dinner. Hey!"
Nero turns glances behind him to catch Lady sitting in Dante's chair, counting the old man's emergency fund. He turns back to his lover with a smug mile. "I told you she would find it."
"Hey," Dante repeats, "Can't you at least leave me enough for a pizza."
"No." Lady replies quickly, folding the cash and placing inside her shirt.
Both Nero and Dante share an identical smirk at the action.
Lady adjusts bra, her hands sliding down her shirt before glaring at the two males in the room. ""Pervs."
Nero waves his free hand, shaking his head "Please don't compare me to this guy."
Dante stands up, taking off his ruined shirt. "Che." He uses it to wipe off the excess blood off . "Kid wishes he was this awesome."
"Whatever" Nero says, heading towards the kitchen. He sets the bags on the counter and begins to put them up. After a while he hears Lady's smug voice. "Aw, little Dante tired of eating his vegetables."
"Shut up. Do you know what he threatens me with."
Nero tilts his head so that he is visible to Dante "And if you keep complaining, I'll make sure they happen."
Dante jumps, his chair tilting dangerously until he straightens his feet across the desk, steadying himself. He smiles weakly, "Aw honey."
Nero throws an onion at his head, Dante catches it and frowns.
Lady sits on the edge of desk, hand over her mouth, hiding her laughs.