Title: Untitled
Fandom: Devil May Cry
Pairing/Characters:Gen - Dante,Lady, Nero
Rating: General
writerverse challenge-prompt by
primrecededWord Count: 251
Warnings: Poor Attempt a humor
Notes: I feel its unfinished but if I keep going I will edit it to deletion
Summary: Lady asks for Nero's help on a job.
"You're not afraid of clowns, are you?" Lady says by way of hello when Nero opens his door, and pushes her way into the office.
Closing the door behind her, Nero pauses staring confusedly at the her.
"She's asking," Dante says, sprawled across the couch, his eyes never leaving the television screen. "If you would do a job for her."
Nero glances around Lady, "Are you sure she's not asking you?"
Lady lets out a sharp bark of laughter. Nero jumps back a little, glancing nervously at the laughing one and Dante, who has turn on the couch to glare at Lady.
"That scaredy cat." She points at Dante on the couch, a few giggles escaping from her lips. "He runs at the first sign of white makeup."
Dante rolls his eyes, his gaze stopping on the roof as a hint of color rises along his face. "Let's just say, that I really don't like Stephen King."
"Hmm." Nero says thoughtfully, grabbing his revolver from its hook on the wall and heading towards the back room. "That might explain why he lets you shoot him all the time."
Lady stops laughing, her face going back to its usual belligerent expression as she glares at the teen's back. Dante holds his stomach in laughter.
"You,"She points a finger at Dante, shaking it light.
Dante raises an eyebrow, "What?"
"The kid's been hanging around you too much?"
"Nah." Dante waves dismissively, a smug smile on his face "The kid's always been this way."