Oct 11, 2006 12:24
hey guys,
quick question to my trans friends:
has anyone ever had a problem with getting a new job and not having your sex changed on your ID. ive been on T for almost 2 years now and i definately passed in my interveiws and meetings thus far but on monday i go in to sign my contract and fill out the paper work. ive had my name changed on all my documents but i havent had any surgeries so my sex isnt changed. i know they have to copy my ID and im REALLY scared they are gonna notice the F where the M should be and im scared they will ask me about it and i dont know what i should say. i dont want to have to out myself but it seems like that may be my only option. i cant lie about it cause then my contract would be void cause i falsified info. they dont discriminate against, gender sex orient, religion, color, ect...but i think it may not even be on their radar and they will ask simply because they are naive not because they want me to out myself or because they want me to embarass myself. has anyone had this happen? what did you do? do you think they will even notice?