Feb 01, 2008 12:10
So it's my birthday and I'll not party down, as I have to work this weekend and that totally sucks ass. Oh well, what ya gonna do.. I do have plans to go eat at the cheese cake factory tonight with Tom. I did buy my own birthday present, as NO ONE would get it for me. The Emeril Fryer from T-Fal. WOOHOO Fried Goodness for everyone!! LOOK out world!
The life of a cardiac trauma nurse is never done.. Especially when they send me to surgical icu step down. *I don't know nothing about slicing open bellies and crap*. LOL
Work has been pretty damn hellish the last several weeks. We are running at full capacity. Patients waiting for days in the ER for open beds. And it makes us all nuts. I have been getting out one to two hours late every night, and just wiped out when I get home.
Last night I went and bitched out the nurse supervisor in charge of the bed board. I was soooo pissed. They had removed a patient from the system, and essentially evicted her from the room to clean it for the next patient coming up from the ER before I even had a chance to finish her discharge paperwork. In doing they they remove them from our computer system, so I have to go and hunt for her in another program to finish it up. This patient who was on isolation for a MRSA infection (yeah the one in the news all the time) Had to wait in the hall for me to do the paperwork which took about 30 min. I was soooo mad.. Of course they apologized, and the bed manager said "I didn't see her in the room when I put in the order to clean." My response shut her up, quick, "Did you think to check the bathroom?" Idiot yankee's.. *rolls eyes*.
Other than that work is good, I like the job, and the pay is better than average, and everyone is really nice. And if I point out something as being stupid, they actually listen, and hell have changed a couple of things because of it. *Fresh eyes and all* That and good ole southern common sense, they lack that in tom's river. I hear the water is tainted, or at least that's the excuse I keep getting.
Here's to hoping all ya'll have a great day, and look out world, cuz I got a fryer! *not to worry, I am a trained southern cook, my grandmother taught me proper in the art of frying!*