Mar 11, 2011 21:41
Hi there!
So sorry for disappearing without a warning, but I caught a really nasty bronchitis the day after I returned from the Basque Country (damn the stupid German weather!) and spent practically the entire last week in bed. It was no fun.
But I feel better now, and I hope that I can go back to work again on Monday!
I hope you didn't miss me too much. ;) I know I missed tons and tons of stuff, so PLEASE link me to stuff you want me to see! I'm not just saying that. I really want to have something to read and check out when I log into LJ again tomorrow! Otherwise I won't share my Bilbao photos with you! *is evil* ;)
So, please? Links? *puppy eyes*
lj: hiatus,
rl: epic fail bill,
lj: flist