Nov 14, 2007 22:45
Hoy es miércoles, el catorce de noviembre de dos mil siete. Son las once menos cuarto de la tarde, and my Spanish lessons are coming along. Or at least I hope so. *looks sheepish*
Anyway. As you can see, I learned the calendar today (weeks, months, seasons and time), and now I need to practice this a bit. So it would be great if everyone could comment with their birthdays (or some other dates you consider important for any reason - spam me! XD) and I'll translate them into (hopefully correct) Spanish. Pretty please? :D
Also, my Spanish CD-Rom is pretty weird. When I take too long with my replies (mostly because I actually don't want to reply but make notes in my notebook), the woman who "speaks" to me via videos does funny things. Or at least they're funny most of the time. Today, she decided to be evil and randomly sang "iAy, Sevilla, Sevilla!". BAH. *pouts*
rl: bill quiere entrenar su lengua