jenlan requested a picspam of Timo Hildebrand, and who am I to say no to that? XD
I still don't approve of his new haircut and the fact that he's now playing for Valencia CF (in ascending order), but I suppose you can't have everything, and his hotness has the potential to make up for quite a lot, actually. :D But see for yourself. Under the cut, there are about 60 Timo pics, which means that this post is by no means dialup-friendly. There are pics from his time at Stuttgart as well as national team pics and a couple of Valencia pics. Enjoy!
Timo is also famous for...
... his little cousins giving him funny hairstyles (and probably spontaneous split ends)...
... his occasionally atrocious fashion sense...
... involving what I call the most horrible shirt in the world...
... kissing goalposts and showing off an incredible ass...
... looking as if he's on drugs whilst wearing a shirt that says "Say no to drugs"...
... and, most important of all, being afraid of showing some skin. I'm not kidding. This is as "nude" as it gets. Needless to say, we were all ecstatic when we found this pic. :D
Fritzle loves him, too.
And everyone was happy, until this happened:
And now, I'm wondering when he'll finally get his regular berth. He deserves it. Haircuts isn't the only thing at which Timo is better than Cañizares, after all. *sigh*