pirates of the caribbean - at world's end...

May 29, 2007 00:33

I just watched Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End at the cinema.

I didn't like it.

1. Ted & Terry did the worst thing ever to Norrington. Not only did they have him killed, but they had him killed after saving Elizabeth and KISSING HER, as if after all that time, he still wasn't over her. Horribly out of character. From that moment on, things stopped being funny for me and I couldn't enjoy myself anymore.

2. You were right, porridgebird. They somehow managed to make Elizabeth royalty (if only with the rather unprivileged title of "Queen of Pirates") so they can add her to the collection of Disney Princesses and make even more money out of her character. Also, she was the worst Mary Sue ever (especially when she talked to the Pearl's crew).

3. They had Governor Swann killed. That's simply a thing you Don't Do.

4. They turned Jack's character from most amusing to absolutely ludicrous. It hurt me. (But maybe, that was just the annoying and completely unfitting German dub voice.)

5. They butchered Barbossa's character.

I could go on for a while, but I'm tired and I have to go to work tomorrow. The things I mentioned are the major things. *is still gobsmacked*

There are only two things I liked; the improvement of Tia Dalma's character compared to DMC (she was a lot more interesting and multi-faceted in AWE, which I liked) and the most intriguing new character Sao Feng, who impressed me by not immediately lusting after Elizabeth like all the others.

moving pics: pirates of the caribbean, media: movies

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