The last day of the lot. A very boring normal week, right? I didn't even mix up any henna tonight because I went to my parents. I hadn't mean to leave the flat today, rather I was going to spend the day indulging: read manga, write, and nap. Spoiled yet again. Next weekend my sister and/or brother-in-law is/are coming to get furniture. This is a really good thing. Once they take some, mom has more room to sort, shift, and organise and I can maybe even start moving some stuff. Over the next two months they'll move out, we'll paint and work on flooring, then hopefully sometime in September I'll move. I'll get to host our Holiday Open House. How frightening and fun.
a week in the life of [txilar], v01 a week in the life of [txilar], v02 a week in the life of [txilar], v03 a week in the life of [txilar], v04 a week in the life of [txilar], v05 a week in the life of [txilar], v06 22 June @ 1630 It actually wasn't too hot today. The humidity was really low. It was supposed to rain all weekend, so I skipped washing my car, but it didn't rain. Now my car looks worse than ever.
22 June @1715 I wrote while Mom went in Walmart. I meant to take a snap of Walmart, but didn't. She went for strawberries that were only a dollar a pound, but alas, they had jacked the price back up, so she got cherries instead.
22 June @ 1830 The wall in my 'old' bedroom. Some pics got taken down when they worked on some plumbling, but there it is.
22 June @ 1900 Mom's spaghetti from last night: even better tonight.
22 June @ 1930 Isn't this floor bee-yoo-tee-full? And terrifying?
22 June @ 1700 Here you can see Marley's cute white toes.
22 June @ 2000 The Cheshire Cat guards the kitchen.
22 June @ 2000 The infamous Rustopheles
Well that's it. Had the imp been here, there would be bar shots and pics of him making me breakfast; I had to make my own today! Sorry for the low quality picture. I left the camera on last night. I thought it was supposed to have an auto shutdown feature, but somehow it didn't work. Boo. I'm off to transcribe notes and eat dried blueberries.