a week in the life of [txilar], v03

Jun 18, 2008 21:52

So I found my printer, did I mention? My camera is all charged up and taking sharp shiny pics. Only, I can only get the pictures off at work using the card reader. So until my cable gets in (hopefully tomorrow, go Amazon! (and hopefully it'll *work*)) {er, eta:} pics are camera during the day, cellphone at night. In other news, my sub keeps going out and it's *pissing* me off.

a week in the life of [txilar], v01
a week in the life of [txilar], v02

18 June @ 1:15 I should have gone to bed, I know I know, but I was reading Junjou (Fujiyama, not Nakamura) and I couldn't stop.

18 June @ 830 Pickles likes to herd me toward his bowl most mornings, but today he was just a curious onlooker.

18 June @ 835 I have way too much makeup. This isn't even half. Ugh. it's an addiction, really.

18 June @ 845 I have way too much perfume too. I love so many smells. I absolutely cannot have a 'signature' scent. It's impossible.

Bonus Pickle pic!

18 June @ 845 Pickles likes to taunt the ghost bag. He escorts me out of the bedroom most mornings.

18 June @ 900 The greenery behind the flat. In the winter it's completely see-through to the big ugly overpriced houses behind us. But in summer, it's lovely!

18 June @ 901 I'm at the back of the building, so I walk through this opening every day. It's pretty actually, but sucks when it's raining.

18 June @ 905 The streets are lined with pear trees and any time the wind blows, one goes down. They are /beautiful/ when they bloom in the spring. When the blooms fall, the road is so covered that it looks like snow--more snow than we'd have if it DID snow!

18 June @ 1720 Bye bye kitty slippers! The day is done. I'm heading to Atlanta Bread Company to have a yummy avocado sandwich. I wrote about 900 words in our first 'hour of silence' and after that we were allowed to talk. It's a new technique. We'll see how it goes.

Bonus Maddie pic!

18 June @ 2045 Maddie is unimpressed by my unwillingness to share my avocado sandwich. When I point out that cats probably don't like avocado, she insists upong checking it herself. she's pretty 'paws on' when it comes to food.

Tomorrow, audio video equipment, a bellydance studio, and maybe a space rocket!

a week in the life, pics

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