Jun 16, 2004 02:43
12 hours and most of my stuff. its almost all moved. bad thing is i cant get any high speed internet. and ill be damned if i hafta pay 30 bucks for dial up. (20 for phone line +10 for internet) anyway, because of this set back this will be the last update for a lil while. im about 1,000 bucks in bills for this move and its not fun, so i need to work 6 days a week, with a couple open to close, to make ends meet and have some extra. i would like to go with the good ole internet, but its just somthing i think i could do without. so, just incase you fellas wanna call or talk to me. my phone # is 832-567-3962.... but why post this? cause only a few ppl actually read this and its nothing that bad. if i dont reconize the # its not gonna be a big deal to not answer it. but i prob will outta curiousity.
Im out