Got this from
Khereva, who got it from...
Here's an interesting silly meme that's been going around:
1. Go to
2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top however many you feel like results:
1. Security Systems Technician
2. Computer Programmer
3. Plumber
4. Sign Maker
5. Multimedia Developer
6. Makeup Artist
7. Locksmith
8. Picture Framer
9. Furniture Finisher
10. Business Systems Analyst
11. Bicycle Mechanic
12. Database Developer
13. Musical Instrument Builder and Repairer
14. Upholsterer
15. Web Developer
I've actually done eight of these jobs! The questions were silly to me as I have either done that line of work or have skills for that line of work.
I keep thinking about what the perfect job for me would be, and so far I have not answered it.
I can do any job as long as the people are fun to be around and my boss is nice. As long as that is in place and the money is good, I can do anything.
I've always called myself a "Generalist" as I'm interested in everything and find most jobs fascinating! I could never bring myself to specialist in anyone field. I guess that's why I've never been to college.