I've been so busy at work that I'm just exhausted by the time I get home. I've been falling asleep by 9 or 9:30pm. My weekends have been filled with either RPG's or WarHammer! Life is so full right now!
The catching up part:
My co-worker, who is "allergic" to the new carpet being laid, has yet to return to her office. That makes it about four weeks she's been in another office. She's been skipping work at times when she thinks that they won't notice.
She comes in on Friday to "take a few test breaths" and apparently can't stay long cause she can no longer "breath". Yea, I'm being mean and cynical, I just don't believe that anyone can live in this modern world and be that allergic to rubber/latex or plastic. She claims to be so allergic that she can't be in a doctor's office that has latex gloves or eat a cake that was made by people wearing latex gloves. "The smell alone could stop her breathing!" so she says. I don't believe it. Oh well, I'm not the boss.
Our friend G. had a tumble on her scooter and hit her head. She had to have brain surgery. Ick! She's doing well, it's just a matter of recovery. Well, she had to have her head shaved and had them take off all her hair.
In a show of support, all of the gaming group are doing the same. Tonight I shave my head too. I won't be "bald" but I will cut it very short! It'll be buzz job! I'll also be donating the locks to something called, "Locks of love". A company that takes donated hair and makes wigs for children who have lost their hair for whatever medical reasons. Khereva and I will post pics when we can!
Our now bald gaming group have started up a club. It's called Adeptus Astragalatica and even has it's own blog
here . We just started it, so there's not much there.
I'm changing armies for our next campaign. I'm going with the "Sisters of Battle" (think Nuns with Guns). I think they will be an easier army for me to play than my Nids. They are not as good an army as Space Marines, but what army is? I'm going to try and play it "fun" with this army. Like every time they fall back (run away) from a fight, I'll try and say, "Look there's a sale at Penny's!" I also plan on painting their tank's insides to be very feminine, with curtains and pillows etc. If I could find some very small fashion magazines I would glue them in!
The cats are still the same. Zandie is showing a little more bravery by occasionally coming into the living room with us. But once she sees Amy, it's back to hissing and growling and barking with Amy trying to rush her and hit her. It seems that Zandie is talking "smack" and Amy responds in kind.
I feel sorry for both cats really. Amy's sense of play is ambushing and chasing. Zandie really doesn't have a sense of play. Khereva claims that she's been "institutionalized" for too long at the shelters. Zandie it seems doesn't like the big rooms. She prefers the smaller rooms.
Someday the two cats will get along, but that will take time.
That's all I have to add for the moment. Someday I'll get back to playing Titan Quest and the other PC games I've got, but I've got a lot of painting to do to get my army up to snuff! First things, first!