Post Hurricane Ike

Sep 13, 2008 08:16

Well it didn't hit Austin. Which I guess is a good thing. I was expecting the worse here. I prepared for the worse, I told everyone else to prepare for the worse. So now I guess everyone thinks I'm over worried.

So now it's official, I'm a "worry wart"! I bet everyone thinks I'm an idiot too. Oh well. I do feel so disappointed that something didn't happen to me here. I lose the feeling of being self-important/self-special.

My SIL did call to say that she and my brother were safe and OK but without power. She works at a hospital and has a safe place. I just wish I could've shared something with them, either the pain or the excitement or the food or something.

On other news, for a good view of what's happening in the financial world and why the "Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac" bailout may not be such a good idea, read this from a good blogger called Bonddad on Daily Kos (he also has his own blog which I read a lot):

Freddie/Fannie Fallout: The US' Financing Bill Is Coming Due.

If what he is saying is true, then it's too late.

But don't mind me, I'm a worry-wart.
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