Jul 18, 2005 10:22
Buffy shook her head at Xander, looking surprised that once again Xander had managed to raise the standards for the Lack of Brain Award. Buffy shook her head, laughing at Xander, she walked away still laughing to the computer where Willow and their leader ( Colton gave a snort of mirthless humor) what a maroon, and honestly what was up with that name… Giles, like how old fashioned can you get? However it wsn’t like it was going to matter much longer, after he got buffys blessing, and she said yes then everything was going to be great.
Colton stood, " er… Miss Summers?" he said very quietly, hoping that she would hear, "may I speak with you?" Buffy looked around, and in reply to her friends quizzical looks, told them that she thought she had heard something. She shook her head and went back to reading over Giles’ shoulder. Willow tapped buffy on the arm, she leant forward and whispered something in her ears, they both giggled. " D’you think Will’?" Buffy said and willow nodded furiously, Buffy laughed, somehow she doubted it.
Xander wandered over to Colton, still rubbing his nose that was a bit red, it looked kind of squashed. " So li’l buddy, tell me again, why I get burdened with you? Couldn’t Auntie Arabella not keep you this year? Colton shook his head " So" Xander continued, " I get some twelve year old little s dumped on me at the leat convenient moment, we were just about to find out where Spike is and then you show up… argh. Colton stood, pointing his finger furiously at Xander " you know buddy, I don’t wanna be here anymore than you want me here, but unfortunately I am stuck with you losers until September, inside his head he added, "yeah you losers, except for Buffy"
Part # 2 of the story, good?