Jul 17, 2005 20:24
hello my faithful, uhh reader, here is the first installment of my story, its not too bad, and I think I got the characters right!!!
"Your idiocy knows no bounds!" I said passionately to the man who was supposed to be our all wise all knowing leader. " How you managed to shuffle your way to the top of our insane little herarchy escapes even me, and I can safely say, with pride no less- that I am considerably less of a dunderhead than the rest of the others" Colton smiled to himself and shook his head to clear the pictures from his mind, he frequently engaged in this little fantasy, when the brilliance of the leader, the apparent brains behind the whole operation rivalled that of the stones in the driveway.
Oi Colton!… Earth to Colton" a voice rang out "can you hear me? Whats so funny?" Colton looked up startled, but his shock quickly dissipated as he saw the pretty blonde girl who had just walked through the door, accompanied as always by her red headed crony, and this time, Colton noticed as his nose wrinkled in disgust, and his eyes rolled skyward, the King of the Dunderheads himself, the one the only, his cousin Xander.
Feeling as he always did, the need to act cooler when he was in front of Miss Summers as he thought of her, he put on a deeper voice, and inquired after the latest bout of vampire hunting and the general mental health of the girl he adored and a single throaty grunt " Sup?"
Buffy walked past the dark haired twelve year old, and ruffled his hair as she went. She turned and waved at a man sitting at a computer, being hovered over by the red headed known as Willow. Buffy turned back to Colton and said laughingly, "Dude don’t try to be cool, we know you aren’t ." She nodded at Xander and threw a wink at Colton before whispering conspiratorily, " You’re like your cousin in that respect"
Colton surpressed his laughter as Xanders mouth fell open, and he strode across the room, his hand in the air, pointing at Buffy, " hey Buffy I heard that, I am so cool, I have…" but what Xander had that made him so cool, they never found out, because instead of coming down the stairs he tripped and landed, in a heap on the floor. This was too much for Colton, he fell onto the couch giggling helplessly, Xander looked in surprise at his cousin.
Buffy shook her head at Xander, looking surprised that once again Xander had managed to raise the standards for the Lack of Brain Award. Buffy shook her head, laughing at Xander, she walked away still laughing to the computer where Willow and their leader ( Colton gave a snort of mirthless humor) what a maroon...
What do you think? is it any good? and shall I continue?