(no subject)

Apr 26, 2007 16:26

A couple of links and random yaddas:

See, this is the difference between the US and Japan. Mac vs. PC was just two randomly cast dumbasses. Toshiba Japan has Tamura Masakazu and Yamapi, two hotpants of their respective generations.

Yamapi's Toshiba CM page, which links to the videos on this really cool Flash page HERE! I love the design on this page A LOT. The second one is cute because the man from Toshiba hands P a birthday cake :D

KinKi on Utaban was funny if only to hear Koichi imitate Johnny and Higashiyama. hahahahaa.

Leader on Waratte Itomo was cute. Funny how when he's alone, he is very talkative and when he's with the others he is over on the edge of the couch staring into space. *squish*

My love for the new Arashi PV knows no bounds. I'm too sleepy to capspam so I'll just link you here and here and a link to a youtube version here.

Well, maybe just one.

Yeah, I felt that way too. Especially with the white leather cuff Nino is wearing. slfjkdf HAAHAHha um.

No, really.

As day shift came in today they were talking about how bad the traffic was so I waited around at work. I had a breakfast burrito and then afterwards went down to the lobby where a bone marrow donor drive was going on so I signed up for that. I tried to donate blood too while I was there but I got turned down because my hematocrit was too low (by one point). That seems to happen to me every third time I go to donate. I should fix this problem with a BIG STEAK tonight. Nah, that would involve going out so I'll just make a sammitch instead. Which brings me to:
Our microwave decided to die quite suddenly and silently earlier this week and it has drove me insane that I don't have a microwave. How did people live without these things? Rar! Ah, well the husband just came home with a new one so I'm going to help him do that now. How exciting.

rl, nino, arashislashy, do me arashi, return of the ghei outfits, fandom is my anti-drug, mc sakurai sho, super idol aiba chan, arashi, ahahahaha, johnnys ate my brain, randomrandomrandom

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