<º)))>< Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'.
<º)))>< Translations by ear (aided by
Japanese transcripts).
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Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Here's today's thought of the day; come on!
"A hedge between keeps friendships green"
[1] [BGM 'Akashi']
I knuw this one! 'Knuw this one'... (laughs)
This is an idiom meaning that no matter how close you are to someone, you still need to observe certain proprieties. Even if you're close, you need to remember your manners.
Manners, huh? Manners are important, but I'm not really good with that. Like for instance, greeting the higher-ups and stuff. I'm not really a wordy type, so I end up just saying 'thank you very much'. (laughs)
So like, I really think those who are really polite are amazing. Those who never crack? But then it makes me wanna see them crack. (laughs)
Hoteliers are amazing, right? Or announcers. Announcers... Oh yeah! Massan's amazing.
Masu Taichi-san. From Nippon TV. When I did the 'Kaibutsu-kun' campaign, it was pretty much all with him. I thought he was really polite. He's really a good man.
During the 'Kaibutsu-kun' campaign, I pretty much met Massan more than anyone else. I saw him more often than the members. And like Kaibutsu pretty much has no manners, right? So I could say whatever I wanted. But Massan was like, "Yes. Yes. Excuse us. Yes."
Yeah. I was kinda sorry about that. But well, that's how it was like. So yeah. Manners are important, aren't they? I'll do my best to observe them from now on. Mm. Like I have to say "good morning" and all, right? Even with that, I've gotten kinda sloppy with the words. Like, "g'mornin'!". "Mornin'!"
That's right. Folks, ✨Good Morning!✨
...Like that, right? I'll do my best!
That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!
[1] Original idiom in Japanese: 親しき中にも礼儀あり
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