2015.11.30 AD - No pain, no gain.

Nov 30, 2015 08:45

<º))))>< Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'
<º))))>< Translations by ear (and Japanese transcripts if I miss stuff).
<º))))>< Check my FAQ if you have questions.


Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.

First off, thank you very much to all of you who came to the Kyocera Dome concert in Osaka yesterday. For what's left of the tour, we'll do our best.

On that note... Here's today's thought of the day; come on!

"One should know that suffering is a type of comfort and comfort is a type of suffering." [1]

[BGM 'Akatsuki']

This is a quote by Tokugawa Mitsukuni-san, who became the model for the same character in period drama Mito Kōmon.

(sings) ♪ In life there's comfort and suffering ~ ♪

Yeah. Even though you're suffering, there's a bright light. Conversely, in times of comfort, you can't get too carried away, either.

This was sent in by listener Kazu-chan. The message reads:
"Good morning. Thank you for always making mornings enjoyable. I really love watching period dramas. When I was little, I'd often watch 'Tōyama no Kin-san' and 'Abarenbō Shōgun' and so on. I love olden-day phrases like 'to do such-and-such' and 'much indebted' and 'indeed' and so on. Everything they say just makes it so much easier to understand. It's so refreshing to watch when they have a signature catch-phrase. What do you think of girls like me?"

Ahh. No, but I think it's great. Like, those 'catch-phrases' and stuff, like... No matter how many times you hear them, they're great, aren't they? Mm. That's just how it works.

Man, period dramas, huh? So like, topknots and stuff... Isn't that hairstyle just way too cutting-edge? Mm. I wonder how they came up with that? Like, you need really long hair for that, right?

Mm. Like, they just keep the back long and bundle it up. The front is all shaved and stuff, right? It's an incredible hairstyle, huh? (laughs)

But I feel like it's a matter of time before it'll come back into fashion. I mean, doesn't it seem like it'd become trendy? Up until now, it's not really something anyone could do. But then, it'd get pretty popular to the point where you'd see them quite a lot on the streets. Then when they have those street interviews, they'd be like, "Ah, could I stop you for a moment? Is that real?" I think there'd be a time when there'd be interviews like that.

"That's real, yes." It seems plausible, right? In a matter of time. Mm. For example, if topknots became so popular that about 80% of people were wearing them, it'd be like... would you do it?

I probably wouldn't do it. (laughs) But if the agency was OK with it, what would I do? Eh? So the agency isn't banning it? (laughs) So if they said they're OK with it...

Uwaaa... Well... like... If 3 people in Arashi did it, then I'd probably do it. If it really became that popular. Mm.

Right, so if Matchy-san did it, I'd do it. Of course.
"Aren't you doing it?"
"No! I'll do it!"
(laughs) Right?

But well, it'd be interesting. If that sort of thing became trendy. Then I'd be the one who first brought it up, right? Not that it's actually what happened. Anything could happen. Yeah. I don't know who'd be the one who starts it, though. A day like that could come, for all we know.

That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!


[1] The quote is 苦は楽の種。楽は苦の種と知るべし - somewhat similar to the English 'No pain, no gain'.

Grab today's episode here, courtesy of nepheliads


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