Day 12 and 13 of
a month of Nino posts.
revisit this post, shall we?
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#1: Procure bedmate by directly asking.
Ohno is a simple man with simple desires.
If he wants something, he asks for it.
This is Leader's 'come hither' look.
"I'm not drunk enough for this."
But Sho eventually gives in anyway, because he's brought up to respect his elders even when they seem occasionally absent-minded and/or senile. Or there might have been something else in Sho's glass...
#2: Procure bedmate by persistence.
"My personal space, where is it?"
Nino isn't as easily persuaded by mere words as Sho. But as Ohno's noticed, Nino is a touching man - in this case, actions speak louder than words. Pretending to be conjoined at the hip can do wonders.
#3: Procure bedmate by force.
Sometimes #2 works, sometimes it doesn't. But when you've been with someone for so long, you know that making things work is a matter of give and take.
If they don't give, then you take.
Of course, all is fine and dandy only as long as the mistress and girlfriend members don't know about it.
Once they do...
Ever the diplomat, Nino suggests a graceful way to settle matters (which surprisingly doesn't involve janken).
Jun isn't thrilled for some reason.
You can't go 13 years without learning how to read cues. The other members are only too eager to reinforce Ohno's declaration of intent.
Jun still isn't convinced. Suddenly the couch is an attractive option.
But Ohno pulls the age card (or tries very adorably anyway).
"Go to your room!"
Once he ensures Jun has done so, the stage is all set.
But hijinks ensue.
And naturally where there is hijinks, there is Aiba.
"Did someone say hijinks? Is that related to hijiki?"
Though he's the youngest, Jun wasn't born yesterday. He installed locks on his bedroom door ever since the army of comediennes invited themselves over. Ohno is well and thoroughly denied entry.
Ohno is a simple man, but that doesn't mean he's stupid.
When all fails, go back to #1.
Conclusion ("jikken kekka!"):
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Thanks for putting up with me! Here's what you're really here for:
The goods (Still not the full ep, but at the rate I'm going somebody's probably already subbed the full ep anyway, right? If not, check back with me after Arashi Day and we'll see...)