Jul 05, 2010 15:39
Enchantments of Darkness
Serenity falls around me,
When I’m wrapped in your arms
This dark enchantment you have on me
Woven so tight I can’t even think of escaping
How is it that your voice calms my restless mind?
To wake to the sound of it would be a dream made reality
Yet the thought feels like something of a nightmare.
My fears are more alive with thoughts of you
However with your presence they fall away.
These complicatedly simple emotions you cause me to feel
With me, one who has to be in constant control of emotion
The one thing I cannot let go, lest I lose all grip on this reality
This thunderstorm of emotion is overwhelming,
Something beyond my ability to control, to mask.
And what good is this mask I try to wear before you?
When you can see through to the truth so easily?
How is it that you can see what others can not so well?
Maybe you can’t, and I just feel as if you can….
In these circles I travel endless when I think of you
Yet I find myself lost when I try to let you go…
How can I have trouble with the one thing I’m best at?
What spell have you cast upon me with those lips?
This dark enchantment held within your eyes?
Woven so tight I don’t want to escape…..
“The power within those eyes…those lips….like the Darkest of Enchantments….”
William Marshall Woody