When the enemy comes, invite him. When he leaves, send him on his way.

Feb 20, 2005 22:44

You scored as Age 0-12 years. You are an imature kid at heart. Congratulations!!!

Age 0-12 years
Age 13-19 years
Age 71 years
Age 36-70 years
How old is your SOUL?
created with QuizFarm.com

totally saw that one comin
So today's entry is about judo. The above is one of the many wordings of the thought and nature that exists as the maxim of judo. I have come to understand that the progression of belts in any martial art is to signify the diminuation of the gap between your life and that maxim. Worded better, becoming a black belt means that you so fully understand this maxim that your every step, breath, slight movement of the hand exudes judo or hop jitsu or nin jutsu or kung fu. To be a black belt is to make judo and you one, its not even knowing this or that technique, that will truly get you nowhere, it is being judo such that you know all the motivations, why you do ippon seionages or tomonages or ude garames when you do them: you know the one maxim that will predict all other moves in judo. My knew philosophies about judo and the martial arts have made them something i would really consider making a life out of because there is so much to be gleaned from them about....everything. Like there are the little cracker ass crackers in my class that are always questioning sensei, or telling sensei that he did something wrong. Holy crap nothing makes me more terse, sensei is a sensei because he knows what is best for me better than I do, if he tells me to do ten pushups and i dont even know what motivated it, it doesnt matter, sensei told me to do it. Sensei is the embodiment of judo. If he makes me practice techniques without water for hours and hours until my piss comes out like snot (The Usual Suspects RULES!) I will, because I have put my life and trust in sensei's hands because he deserves it. I kind of relate this to many of the islamic based religions what with their doctrines of the tranquility and contentment that comes from the total surrender to god. It's sad, I can't even call my senseis their actual names outside of the dojo, its impossible. Its interesting, every day that he is present in the class I spar with sensei cozzolinno and i can be breathing so hard and entirely unable to exert any real muscular force anymore and he will hardly have broken a sweat (Judo maxim number two:maximum efficiency, minimum effort). I've only ever pinned the bastard without his consent once. Judo embodies the two things I love about my existence: the examination of philosophies, natures, and motivations and getting to exert myself physically and become efficient with my movies, sanguine, naturally graceful. God damnit i love this stuff. A friend i only ever talked to once told me about a shin tao monk he knew that could jump up over a full grown man if he were attacked from behind......some day, some day.
So the point of this journal, in part, was just to talk about judo and this newfound well of thought ive delved into. But what lies therein is an important concept: looking to the nature of things for understanding. Too often do people see the causes, but not their effects. Its simply human culture or even human nature to see the ends but not the means, but in a society where cognition rules and is depended upon for evolution, we need to start continually asking "why?" or we will never truly understand anything and will remain in this societal cesspool we're in. Thinking about the culture I've been creating for mr uranich's class, which a select few will get to see presented tomorrow, I came up with something to say as a man of this culture to the rest of the class: from what we have seen of your culture we realize that you, too, are doomed to enlightenment.
Seiza......kiosuke.....rei. (phonetic, i dont know how they are actually spelled)
Night everybody!
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