A Productive Day in the Life of Me

Sep 14, 2009 15:23

I feel like I'm getting tons done today, which is great! Includes a little work, errands, and things around the house. My Monday has gone like this (after waking up and getting ready):
1. Start Laundry (also done later in the day)
2. Eat/Computer/Wash Dishes
3. Work (not a whole lot today...just one new account)
4. Get Hair Trimmed
5. Target (small items and a cute dress on sale)
6. Aldi (milk, garlic, avocado)
7. Bank (deposit)
8. Post Box (drop off 3 bills) and Rainbow (spent $18.22 and SAVED $17.58)
9. Local Grocery Store (apple pie with coupon)
10. Back Home...lunch while watching "Scrubs"
11. Pick Tomatoes/Freeze two big bags of tomatoes (one red and one yellow)

Now I'm off to do more cleaning in the kitchen (including washing the floor). Then maybe I'll exercise a bit before Nik gets home! Nighttime includes supper and working more in the basement (the summer project that should get done soon). Hope to do some music work and scrapbooking later too. And can't forget dessert!

Hooray for being productive!!!
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