It's been this long already?

Oct 15, 2006 14:10

Sorry guys. I didn't realise I haven't updated in nearly a month. Every weekend I think about what to write and there's nothing, so I push it until the next one, and look at what's happened now.

Once again, things have been 'normal' - how exciting for you to be reading this. There has been a new person at work. It's her second job, I think ,so that's much better than that doofus we have. My workload's a bit smaller now, though I'm touching on different things once again now. Although it is good that the new person has some experience, she brought along with her a lot of questions - A LOT. Of course, because she came from another company, things are different, so, she has been questioning about all these differences. 'Why do we do things like this? Why don't we do that? Don't you think it'd better if this was the case?' So on and so forth. Many of those questions weren't trivial either, it was things like how come our system doesn't include this, wouldn't it be better? Well, if you have so many of those kind of questions, you should be bringing them up with management and see what they tell you, I'm just doing whatever I need to do to get the job done!

About that doofus we've got. Three more weeks and he'll be gone. It could be sooner though. he gave me a bit of attitude on Wednesday, and I reported that to the boss. He was given a job to do, finding some documents for auditors. For some reason he comes to me for help, I told him that whatever he was looking for was either in a certain box or on the computer. He comes to me, 'I'm looking for the original source documents'. Once again, I tell him the same thing, here, or there. So then he asked me, 'Do you understand what I'm looking for? I'll show you.' I knew exactly what he was looking for, the truth was that he didn't know what he was to look for. He showed me any way, and I told him the same thing again. So then he finally asks me, 'So you don't know what this is?' I said no, I told him that it should be in this box, but I don't know exactly where in the box. By the way, the box isn't this huge cargo container thing, just some normal filing box. Then was when the attitude was given to me. 'No? So you don't know.' I repeated my no, then he dropped down a stack of paper, and said no in a louder voice. I turned away to go back to my desk to do whatever it was that I was doing, but added, 'It's either in this box here, or on the computer, that's all I know'. His reply, 'If that's all you know then that's all you know', throwing his hands in the air at the same time. I rolled my eyes and just went back to my desk. Thank god I'm not located in the same cubical as him.

That incident happened in the morning. In the afternoon I spoke to my boss, everything that I wrote above. He said to me, he's going in three weeks any way, but he shouldn't have done that, and if it happens again, let him know and that would become his last day. I wasn't expecting that result, but it was good to know that I have support. Two days later, the doofus asked me the same question while I walked by his desk. I couldn't just walk away 'cause it would cause a scene. He was still looking for the same item. I spent about two minutes, probably not even, looking at the computer, and magically, the document he was trying to locate appeared right on the screen. So he spent two days looking for something, while it only took me two minutes and hardly a drop of sweat. If that's not a doofus, then I don't know what is.

As always, and same with everybody I'm sure, I spent time at work doing non-work related stuff. Last week when the girl across the on other side of the room emailed me 'I'm bored', I had no reply. Then I wondered what game we could play....I came up with - noughts and crosses. Everyone who saw it thought I was clever, since they never thought of drawing a table and playing with that. Well, some people thought it was stupid or lame, but they didn't come up with that idea did they? The game's too short though, but it was Friday afternoon and soon it was home time! On Monday, I came up with a more challenging game, something that would last much longer, connect 4! That was much more exciting! The games went on for hours, since we played between work. It became a bit of a rivalry. I've always sucked at connect 4 since I cared mostly about my moves. I got lost the first two games, but then I won the next four! However, I was told that there would no longer be any connect 4 if I won the next one, but it wouldn't count either if I threw it away. So, when the next game happens, I'll have to act like I'm trying, but lose on purpose, ahh....that should be interesting!
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