So you know when you've got heaps of stuff you NEED to do, suddenly there's a whole heap of stuff you WANT to do? And it just won't leave your head alone. You can't sleep, you can't eat, you can't read more than two lines without drifting off into fantastical magical thought about softie heads or stamp designs or fabric combos.
This little girl has been in my head for a while now, skipping along on her gangly legs, poking her round tummy and giggling, and teasing me with many outfit ideas that I'll have no hope of pulling off because as we all know, Holly is no dressmaker. (Also Holly is no artist so please keep that in mind when looking at those sketches!)
So I thought, sure... I have about two weeks worth of work to squish into a long weekend, but surely there's still time to make a softie? Surely. I mean... that's pretty important, right? I can study anytime.
So my challenge is to get her started and finished in a day. That way I won't feel too guilty about taking precious time away from my other Need To Do projects.
Okay maybe finish in two days. Just to be safe.
Inspired by
Jodie, I thought I would blog about it as I make her. I'm not sure if anyone else is as into spending half a day picking out fabric just for a doll as me, or even whether I should put up a warning before showing pictures of mutant, discarded softie parts (most specifically arms and heads) in case anyone reading happens to just have eaten, or is very pregnant.
So please do come back bright and early tomorrow (my time), as I'll be blogging this crazy attempt at turning craft into an extreme sport. There will be updates during the day as things progress... or go horribly, horribly awry.
Can she finish in time?! Now taking all bets!
(Insider tip: I would be betting heavily on 'No, no she can't' if I were you....)