Thanks to:
The cool change. According to our trusty fridge magnet thermometer it got to 49C (120F) here yesterday - it's nice to get back to a more reasonable temperature.
Thanks also to the men and women of our Fire Brigades.
Over 13 bushfires state-wide, yesterday.
The death toll has risen to over 40, and an entire suburb has just been wiped out. Marysville just doesn't exist anymore - the fire took everything.
No thanks to:
The fire bugs who have actually set a few of the bushfires. So help me if you ever get caught I'm going to set my sewing machine to zig-zag and feed your delicate parts through..
Edit 6:15pm: The death toll has risen to 65. Kinglake, another country suburb, has been burnt to the ground like Marysville. Even the ground has burnt. Over 650 houses destroyed state-wide.
Edit 10:30pm: As I turn off the tv and go to bed, the death toll has risen to 84 and it's expected to reach triple figures. 26 fires STILL burn, some expected to for a few weeks yet, and where the fires are extinguished the wreckage is too hot to sift through. Over 700 houses lost to the fires.
Please send your thoughts and prayers to the survivors. If you would like to help out some of the hundreds of families affected by this disaster, please ring 1-800-811-700 (if in Australia) or visit the
Red Cross website to donate online for those overseas.