Packaging and presentation

Sep 20, 2008 12:38

I find packaging very difficult. I think it would be easier if I had enough money to splash out on those clear cello baggies - they look like fun! Everything looks brighter and shinier and better when it's slipped into one of those.

But since I'm crafting on a budget, I've had to come up with some DIY packaging.

Some DIY cards for when my buttons go out to their new homes around the world.

The scalloped "rosette" is a hand-carved stamp (carved this very morning!)

These will look a little less DIY once I have access to my printer again and I can print out my details down the bottom instead of handwriting them with my shaky hands.

This one isn't really packaging I suppose but I do like the effect.

One of my rainbow scarves ready to go out into the world.

I've seen quilts folded like this before, so that you can see the backing, and I thought I'd try it with my scarves too. Tied up with a length of super soft yarn and then wrapped in tissue paper (but tissue paper isn't nearly as interesting in a photograph!)

The Etsy packaging pool is great for inspiration, but it does have its downsides - I've just found another handful of things I really want to buy!

I'd love to see how you guys package up your beautiful crafts, so please do share!

( And a big thanks to Miss Bamboletta herself for some blog love - I never expected my little secret floss addiction to be so popular! )


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