It's PvP time for the Bri's. Raid healing Briara is apparently epic fail. BG healing, otoh...
Hubby's newest alt, his wee rogue, dinged 70 over the weekend, so he's been diligently BGing for tokens and honor with which to get gear. And I've been his enabler. We've been running mini premades of 5-6 people for the last couple of nights (only 1 loss so far!) and we had
a moment...
EOTS: I called in Vent for our team to run to Blood Elf and leave the northern tower caps to the randoms. Hubby and I ran to Blood Elf Tower...and no one else did. He was like "Oh crap." Cause there were 4 horde, his newbie rogue, and me. I ran in circles spamming heals on both of us and took three out before they respawned and got me...and the rest of our team were all "Bwuh? We were supposed to go where?" I've decided arena rankings notwithstanding, I'm getting better if I can keep myself and a newbie rogue alive against 4 people for a good long time.
So, hubby's rogue is 70, our prot pally's rogue is 70, and our warlock's rogue is 68. Then you have me, decently geared druid hell bent on getting full PvP resto set. I like where this is going! I have this thought...of standing there all by myself guarding the node...and the 2-3 hordies go Oh Look, some dumb healer guarding the node all alone...and then getting on the wrong side of the multibladed cuisinarts stealthed around me.
Briaja had a fun arena run last time too (5/5!). You know there is just that team combination that you can't seem to beat no matter what? Well apparently our 2 hunter team *was* that team to this pair of rogues. It helped immensely that we got them in the arena with the bridge each time. We ran to the ropes and each took a station on a column, laid a trap, and flared the bridge. We ate their lunch for 4 of the 5 wins that week.
Both are diligently running BGs, through the druid has taken the primary focus again, as I have decided to just go ahead and get as much of her set as possible even if I have to get Vindicators and Merciless instead of Guardian's and Brutal to fill in the remaining gaps. (5 non PvP items left to replace!) She's gunning for the Merciless Kodohide BP next. Briaja will probably be looking to replace her non impressive gloves and pants next. (It was nice to realize that in non-raid gear, Briaja doesn't have any greens left. She does however have a green trinket with +21 hit on it that gets used for raids) Her immediate goals are the Brutal Gloves and the Merciless Pants. Now, if I could just send Briaja all those tokens that are starting to pile up in Briara's mailbox!
I admit...I was happy to turn down an invitation to take our GL's place in Hyjal this week. Nope, sorry - having fun here!
...Cause I've decided that there *is* a certain amount of joy in running around with a pack of horde on me...and not dying!