Title: Elementary, Dear Kaidoh Rating: PG Pairing: Inui/Kaidoh Word Count: 6908 Summary: Kaidoh is getting notes from a secret admirer, and Inui is determined to solve the mystery. Notes: Written for alestar in inukai_exchange 2010. :)
Title: The Pirate King and I Rating: R Pairing: Inui/Kaidoh Word count: 6669 Summary: Inui, Kaidoh, and Pirates of Penzance. Notes: Written for alice_and_lain in santa_smex 2008!
Title: The Feminine Mistake Rating: PG-13 Pairing: InuKai (GIRLS) Word Count: 1,497 Summary: Inui concocts a special new protein shake with some special new side effects. Notes: Written for meganezilla. Genderswap, be warned!
Title: Like Bowling Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Inui/Kaidoh Word Count: 1535 Summary: The problem with Kaidoh is, he's too much like bowling. Notes: For Ed because she draws me InuKai rimming. :D Thanks to cmere for reading it over for me! ♥
Title: Principles of Reasoning Rating: PG Pairing: Inui/Kaidoh Word Count: 3,085 Summary: Kaidoh is having trouble understanding logic. Inui is an eager tutor. Notes: Written in 2007 (my first ever InuKai). Thanks to anjenue for the beta. ♥
Title: Myopia Rating: PG Pairing: Inukai Word Count: 3,266 Summary: Kaidoh doesn't know exactly what to think about Inui's glasses. Notes: Written in 2007. Thanks to anjenue for the beta.
Title: Pressure Sensitivity Rating: G Pairing: Inui/Kaidoh Warnings: Fluff Word Count: 725 Summary: Inui's shoulder hurts. Notes: Written for marksykins in 2007. Thanks to anjenue for the beta. ♥