Hey guys :]
first I wanted to say that I love you all so much, there aren't even words. I was really depressed yesterday and you guys helped me out a lot, so thanks. *massive hugs to all*
Now then, onto business.
and by business I mean:
1) my thoughts on 5.01
2) vid clips of 5.02
3) leaked New Moon trailer that is SO fucking epic, even ONTD loved it.
Alrighty, Sympathy For The Devil.
This episode was too epic to be possible! if this is any example of how the season is going to be, then i'm gunna die of fangirl happiness.
It was so good. and it broke my heart into a million pieces. So here's my thoughts:
+ AC/DC Thunderstruck beginning? Genius.
+ Them ending up on the plane made me go :o! irl. I knew they had to get away, but I didn't know how. ALSO, I FIRMLY believe that the use of the Looney Tunes clips was on PURPOSE. hello, Yosemite SAM talking to the Devil and crying? yeah...way to be sublte, Krip.
+ My money's on it being God that not only saved the boys, but also brought back Cas. He hasn't left the building and he's pissed at the angels. He's on our side. (and by our side, I mean with the boys and castiel).
+The fangirl writing Wincest? I died. I just love when Show destroys the 4th wall. that was too damn hilarious and perfect. if this is wrong, then I don't wanna be right. oh, Kripke ♥♥
even though I bet he stole that from Sera's laptop...or Misha's
+Meg was awesome. I'm glad the actress did the role justice (I kinda love Dean's 'ew, omg wtf' face during their kiss)
+Demon!Bobby telling Sam to lose his number...holy shit, my heart clenched. the puppy eyes were in full force this episode.
+Bobby stabbing himself...ngl,I gasped aloud and yelled 'holy shit no, bobby!!'. but it just shows how much Bobby loves those boys. Meg was right in calling him their surrogate dad. ♥
+Zach...is a bastard. a fluffy winged angelic bastard. wtf, breaking Sam's legs, taking his lungs and giving Dean stomach cancer!? Inventive...but still a bastard.
+Dean being Michael's vessel...bitch say wha? srsly, I was as confused as Dean was. (massive lulz at the Angel Condom line though)
but someone had a very interesting Meta about it earlier. saying that Dean could be a nephilim...and so could Sam. (why else would Mary, a hunter, say 'angels are watching over you.') I mean, it has to take someone important, to be an Archangel's meatsuit. (ah well, im gunna stop hurting my brain now)
+Castiel. holy shit Castiel kicked SO MUCH ASS. and all the while looking like a GQMF. srsly, it's about time he fights and wins while not being in the body of a 12yr old girl =|
+Lucifer. A++ Mark, ilysfm already ♥ my heart ached for Nick. losing his family and then having all those hallucinations. it's no wonder he'd consent to being Luci's meatsuit.
+The ending.
oh dear god, that ending. my heart breaks just thinking about it. as always, Jensen and Jared killed it. I mean srsly. When Dean tells Sam he can't trust him, the look on Sam's face just kills you. it's just complete and utter heartbreak. and Dean...god. "You chose a demon over your own brother, and look what happened. I know how sorry you are. I do. But, man...You were the one that I depended on the most. And you let me down in ways that I can't even..." *wibbles*... oh, Dean.
Kripke, put my boys back together NOW! >;OOOO
Clips of 5.02!!!!
omg I squee'd hard at the Ellen one. I fucking LOVED the Harvelle's and idgas what anyone else says. I love Ellen and Jo and I'd love for them to be in more than one episode.
Clips Here and then the New Moon Trailer...
(ok sorry, had to get that outta my system)
but srsly, CWeitz, bb boy, I fucking LOVE you.
this trailer is amazing!
Dakota as Jane is just...too brilliant. and my favorite part is actually when Bella's underwater and when she's being pulled, her hand floats through 'Edward' and he wooshes away.
I cannot wait for this shit.
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