Aug 26, 2005 12:36
Yesterday I walked through the engineering part of campus to get to a class. I felt like such a fraud. Like a groupie trying to fit in with a band... you can talk to them, you can be friends with them, but you will never be the same as them. That's how I feel when surrounded by aspiring engineers.
I miss people from camp. Part of me feels like I shouldn't miss them so much... I have amazing friends here. Friends I desperately missed while I was at camp. But at the same time, it's different now. I spent two months surrounded by amazing people from all over the world... How do I just move past that? Kim (who I miss like crazy, as she is up in NJ) made the valid point that we can't live in our past experiences, we have to take what we learn from them and move onto new things. I completely agree with that, I do... but it's really difficult to have to move on so quickly. It wasn't like high school or any other big thing in your life that gently dwindles down and eases you into the next phase in your life. It was more like a band-aid... something you get used to, even when it irritates you. And then one day you rip it off- quickly, so it doesn't hurt for long, but there's that stupid sticky outline for a few days... reminding you that it was there. Man, that's the worst metaphor in the world. You get the idea, I miss my camp friends and I hate band-aid residue.
Classes are alright. It's going to be a really hard semester. Two of my classes require field-work. Plus, I'll have tutoring. As a result- I might not be a very sociable person this semester... sorry guys. Athenians- you guys should try to come see me, as I don't know if I'll get to come down there much. Give me lots of heads up on the parties, too, I'll try to plan on those :)
My updates are boring recently and I need to change that. I'll see what I can do.
"Eateries that operate within the designated square downstairs count as food court. Anything outside, of said designated square, counts as an autonomous unit for mid-mall snacking. Now, if your going to wax intellectual about the subject..."