Thumb is not broken! Just almost. I have been strictly immobilized via splint, gauze, and wrapping. Basically I'm one gesture away from being broken. *headdesk*
About 2 weeks ago we had to put our dog Max to sleep. He was a purebred golden who was nearing 13. He was a good dog but had sadly gotten old and sick. It was time and the family has missed him. The vet made an imprint of his paw and mom cried alot. She also vowed to never get another dog again. So of course I got a phone call on Saturday from my
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Quick puppy update! He's doing very well. Putting some weight on the paw. Had a small eyeroll inducing setback when he raced up the stairs like a dumbass. *shakes head* Puppies.
So the puppy is all hobbley. He hurt his back leg while being retarded on my parent's bed (this was early yesterday morning). Dad and Wills rushed him to the vet and he's now on pain pills and strict orders of rest, i.e. he has to stay off his feet. The problem? He's a puppy and he follows my mom around everywhere. So mom and Wills are camped out
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