Mar 01, 2008 02:03
Can't sleep right now, although I'm not so sure that's a bad thing.
Each and every day, I find my future becoming more and more clear...a solid structure that I'm building, have been building for a long time now.
Before I moved to New York and started college, the idea of being an actor was such a fucking scary deal. People seem to have this idea of a struggling, starving actor, living desparately day to day in the jungle of New York City. I'm not trying to say that being an actor is a breeze, or that it would be very difficult. What I mean is that living in the city already, getting settled and knowing the industry, the theatre companies, making contacts and networking is such a HUGE help. I'm already starting that process, and hopefully living here this summer will help so much too. I really want to try and audition...maybe just for the sake of auditioning.
At this moment I am so excited. I could not have been luckier to get placed in Ellen's class. She is so inspiring and without even trying pushes us to become better actors. I feel so refreshed with theatre. There is SO much going on. There is SO much to learn, gain, and benefit from. I couldn't be luckier to be in New York right now; it is such a wonderful feeling.
Watching good, or even awful, theatre mesmerizes me. I am so reminded of why I'm here...remembering that acting isn't as selfish as I sometimes believe. To entertain, connect, and maybe even distract people from their normal lives. I want to enrich people's lives, to help them view the world in a different way, perhaps open their eyes to something entirely new.
Matt leaves for DC tomorrow. Tonight was wonderful..I don't want him to go! He'll be around..probably back really quick next weekend, but still. I'm excited for him, and it'll be so cool to see Lord of the Flies in a few months...but ahhhh, he's already helped me so much this semester. He has helped to ground me, clarify my thoughts and fears, and given me something to aspire to. I respect him so much.
I suppose that's a nice place to stop.