Oct 18, 2004 16:50
I like when my hands smell like Nicks shampoo.
Well, let's see, I haven't updated in forever. October is probably my favorite month, I absolutely love fall, and Halloween...it's great. I guess I should talk about October, I don't think I've updated at all this month.
I went to Homecoming...my dress was pink, and I had a graet time. Me and Nick were running late so we just ate at Wendys before, then afterwards I had a great meal at Dennys.
THis past Friday me and Nick went to Frightfest at Six Flags...holy cow..it was awesome. Like just being in the complete dark, and riding the roller coasters...especially the Boss, you couldn't tell when it was a huge drop, and when you did it was like falling into a huge black hole.
And then Saturday me, Ayla, Kayla, and Stacie all went tp'ing. We got Hodges and Tom and Ruth. It was really fun, I had a great time.
TOday, I'll probably just hang out and watch Buffy with my mom and Victoria since I have today off. THis is my work schedule
Tuesday - 3-7
Wednesday - 7-CL
Thursday - Off ; me and Nick have semi plans to watch Buffy, and then go tp'in with whoever we can scrounge up.
Friday 4-7; After work Nick is gonna pick up me, Kayla, and Tressica, and we are going to head to St.louis to see the haunted houses "county morgue" and "Silo-X" It should be pretty fun, I'm excited about it.
Saturday - 2-6; I'll prolly just chill with my mom after work...Or maybe some girls will want to get together to go tp'ing since I'm pretty sure that Nick will be hanging out with Dan.
Sunday - 6-CL
And that's pretty much my week..if I get paid enough Im sure me and Nick will go see that one movie..like something about America? I don't remember....its by the creators of South Park.
I love this time of year