(no subject)

Jun 09, 2004 21:42

Hmm, well, I've had quite a lovely time doing nothing while waiting to hear back from this guy so I can go work underground. $15.00 an hour. Wouldn't you take it? Even if its underground, most mining jobs pay that much. I <3 this town now a days. I used to curse because it had nothing to do...but then it just pays a whole lot of money to us. Oh yeah = Lustra - Scotty Doesn't Know.

Thanks Ben, for the MP3 CD you let me copy into my massive collection with hits I never managed to download. Kay, you really want to know what I've been doing huh? Well, just incase, either way, this is for Amanda, whom I'll e-mail later.

Lets see, spent Sunday working on my parnets computer because it got harsh evil virus's because its stupid. Other than that, I fixed Chris's as well because some Freaking Evil German kiddo decided to create Sasser for fun. Thanks dude! Hmm, I worked out my legs a whole lot as I taught ickle newbies how to march. I'll miss it so much, hell, I just miss the people that I was around. Hmm, did that as well today and yesterday. Urh, got to see my wonderful company and got my insurance on my car lowered and put myself on my Blue Blazer. Bitchines thing ever.

You Got Mail, Motherfucker.

Oh yeah, bought Unreal Tournament 2004 with some graduation money because, I will feel bored sometimes. I keep missing people whom are on-line. Twas why I e-mailing someone now. Urh, college starts August 18th. Nationals in a week.

Electric BBQ
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