(no subject)

Jun 06, 2004 10:11

Its freaking funny. I have no clue what to do with myself anymore, at least time wise. Usually its just like, going to High School, and now its not, theres no more, I could just blow off college or go to it. Freaking nice. Freaking bugs bite a lot, that had to be the most bites I've ever gotten bitten wise.

Graduation was fun. Sat next to Chris and Ryan and Wes in our row of four. Pictures, if anyone really wants them. Chris gave his speach, yay for the #1 person in the school. Urh, didn't do something stupid although it was nice just walking down to get the thingy. Told people that I'd never see again, goodbye. Got all my classes next year sorted except English. Have to e-mail the dean of my college and talk to him. Don't have his number anymore, so calling is out of z question.

Its too sunny out today. I hate the desert with a dying passion. Anyways, going to play a freaking huge paintball game sometime soon out at Will's ranch. Someone should come and play.

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