Fights and Hospitals

Aug 20, 2013 23:54

Title: Fights and Hospitals
Author: Indra Leigh
Rating: FR13
Crossover: BtVS and Avengers
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Avengers
Summary: The Avengers get called into a fight in town and Iron Man sees some people he knows.
Warnings: nope
Timeline/Setting: post avengers movie and after chosen, follows the other stories where Dawn and Buffy are dating Steve and Bruce. Directly after “Who You Encounter at a Party”
Author's notes(if any): none today

When Tony’s phone rang for an Avengers Assemble! Pepper took the champagne glass from him as he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his phone. “SHEILD and Jarvis don’t know what’s going on but it’s not looking good.”

Pepper watched Tony, Bruce, and Steve walk out of the room heading to the floors where they kept their Avengers equipment before turning to look for the last couple people she had need to speak to that night.

Arriving on the scene of the destruction and chaos the Avengers started to split up when they noticed there was someone already fighting and winning. An unknown number of girls were fighting and seemed to have some sort of communication system because they were organized and suddenly the girls all stopped and jerked as if a string pulled them all. A few of them yelled “Willow!” Tony flew up a bit and followed the direction the girls seemed to have been pulled in. Buffy and Xander were fighting a different monster than the ones that were swarming the streets. They were standing between the monsters and some sort of alter-ish thing that looked like Thor had electrified it with purple electricity. His flying faltered when he saw Dawn looking at the alter thing from where she stood next to a bleeding and unconscious Willow. He didn’t hesitate to land next to Buffy and flipped up his mask.

“How can we help?”

“Dawn! Any idea how to stop them?” Buffy yelled.

“There is a hexagon stone in the middle that we need to destroy. That will end the hive mind thing that’s going on.” Dawn said pointing to the stone.

“Where?” Tony asked turning around with his arm out ready to fire. He followed Dawn’s finger and aimed on the stone. His first repulsor blast shattered the stone. “What happened to RedTree?”

“The mastermind behind all this managed to sneak up and hit her on the head and she collapsed.” Dawn shouted as she kneeled next to Willow.

Tony knelt on the other side of Willow and reached out to gently pick her up. “I’m going to take here to which ever hospital Jarvis directs me to. Then I’ll come and help clean up the drones.”

Dawn watched Tony lift off before she picked up a sword and moved to stand next to Xander.

Giles looked up hearing unfamiliar footsteps approaching him. Xander had gone looking for the doctor while he had remained in the waiting area with his arms around Buffy and Dawn as they slept. As they waited to hear any news about Willow they had told him who they saw at the party earlier and what he had said about them. Both girls had cried them selves to sleep at their worry over Willow and what Bruce and Steve’s reactions would be. The best outcome they both hoped for was a simple cutting off of communication. It broke Giles’s heart even further when they both agreed that Bruce and Steve wanting to continue to date them would never happen. Giles hated that they both expected their relationships to end due to what Hank Summers had told their boyfriends. The only thing keeping Giles from hunting Hank down was the fact that two of the people he considered his children needed him to continue to sit there. Of the other two of his kids, one was gravely injured and the forth was looking for a doctor because he couldn’t sit still.

Giles watched two men hurry in to the waiting room and slow coming to a stop a couple of steps away from where he sat with Dawn and Buffy on his sides asleep against him. He didn’t move his arms from around them as he saw the worry lessen on the men’s faces. “So you’re the men my daughters have been dating.”

He saw both of their gazes jump from the girls to him, a mix of surprise and confusion. “They share the bastards genetics but they’re my daughters. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them happier then they have been with you.”

“Giles?” The sandy haired man in a tight muscle displaying shirt asked as the other mans eyes went back to Buffy.

“Yes. You’re Steve and Bruce. Why are you here and how did you know to come here?” Giles demanded to know.

“We got cornered by Hank Summers at the party and the girls found us when he was saying such nasty things about them and they got a phone call causing them to immediately leave. When Iron Man told us they were in the area of fighting and someone was hurt we both knew we needed to be with them. I really wanted to make that man stop saying those terrible things about them.” Steve reached his hand toward Dawn’s back before pulling back. “I don’t want to wake her.”

“Why would Iron Man know who they are and then why would he know to tell you?” Giles asked.

“Um.. I didn’t introduce my self. I’m Bruce Banner and I’m on TV sometimes as the Hulk, one of the Avengers.” The man who looked a bit like Giles from his librarian days said.

“I’m Captain America and Tony knows the girls because of us.” Steve said looking to Xander as he walked into the waiting room.

“Did you find the doctor? What did they say about Willow?” Giles asked.

“Something about pressure in her head and waiting. He said they scan of her brain but they don’t have the better kind of machine to get the best information of what’s going on. And he tried to call some other doctor who is like really really good at hurt brains for another opinion but he’s like at a conference or something and not answering his phone. So Willow’s unconscious and we have to wait and hope that rescanning tomorrow will show something different or that the conference doctor will answer his phone.” Xander said sitting down next to Steve who had taken a seat on a short table covered in really old magazines across from Giles and the girls.

“So you’re saying the doctor is waiting and doing nothing but there is better equipment and doctor out there? Where is Willow’s doctor Xander?”

Giles stared at the man standing in the waiting room looking very unhappy. Xander stood up and walked out of the room with the man following him.

“Who is that?” Giles asked hoping the girls wouldn’t wake up, they needed some sleep.

“Tony Stark. Iron Man. Friend of Willow’s. Take your pick.” Bruce answered.

“Buffy and Dawn are good girls and I really hope you two are the good guys they deserve. They’ve both been hurt in the past and I hate to say it but I count myself as someone who hurt them both. If you’re going to break their hearts leave now. If you’re here because you believe anything Hank Summers said leave now. We were waiting to hear about Willow and the best thing they hoped for after finding Hank talking to you was that you would be so disgusted you would simply stop talking to them. They are convinced you would show up, believing him and call them crazy, and try to get them both locked up as crazy.” Giles said careful to keep quiet and not wake the girls.

“They walked away when you called just before Steve punched Hank out because he was so disgusted at what he was saying. We love Buffy and Dawn and actually were trying to figure out if they would appreciate it if their boyfriend went to their father to talk about marriage. Steve’s old fashioned like that and I figured if Buffy would like it I would ask. Both of us agree that that filth Hank does not deserve to any part of the girls lives. I guess you would be the one to talk to about marriage and the proposing.” Bruce explained as Steve turned red and fidgeted.

“Really Bruce are you going to bring that up right now and right here?”

“I love Buffy and I know you love Dawn and I think we both have been carrying around rings for a little while now. Giles isn’t going anywhere. When else do you want to talk to the man?” Bruce said looking at his fellow Avenger who was fearless in battle but out of battle was a whole nother story.

!2013 august event, fandom: avengers, author: indra leigh

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