Title: Willow's Sorting
Author: Kneazles
Rating: FR13
Crossover: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me and I am not making any profit from this piece, it is just for entertainment purposes only.
Summary: Part of 'Concerns about Trust,' in particular, Willow's turn with the sorting hat.
Word Count: 742
Giles removed the hat and handed it to Willow. He gave the red head’s hand a reassuring squeeze.
Willow swallowed nervously as she put the hat on.
The hat was silent for a while before it began to speak. “Much like Alexander, you joined a cause that was not your own and are still aiding in the cause.”
“You’re a fast study… easily picking up some difficult languages and subjects. You’ve always been curious; it’s a driving force for you and has led you into trouble.”
Willow flushed guiltily as she realized what the hat was talking about, and grateful the hat didn’t expand upon what it meant.
“No need to worry lassie, you did well for someone who had only the most basic of instruction and mentoring in the field.” The hat said. “And once you got the proper tutelage, you succeeded. And you were brave enough to try to remedy that misfortune instead of quit or continue on incorrectly.”
“That hat’s not normally this cryptic.” Remus said.
“She and her friends know what it’s talking about, this must be one of those private memories the hat agreed to keep quite on.” Mad-Eye said, not sounding happy about it.
“A large part of your thirst for learning is driven by ambition, to be more than what you perceive to be the same teenager you were before you joined what you consider your family.” The hat said.
The hat continued to skim her memories. “‘There will be no having of any kind,’ you are both brave and compassionate. Not many would comfort their captor.” It said chuckling.
“When your group was faced with a particularly tough challenge, and you were the only one who seemed to be able to make a dent in it so to speak you were willing to give it your best despite being afraid it wouldn’t be enough. ‘I was never a gun... someone else should be the gun, I could be a cudgel, or pointy stick…’ you were brave enough to give it a shot even though you felt you were ill prepared to.”
“Unfortunately soon after this, you became obsessive with this talent, partly because of your ambition to prove to yourself and subsequently others that you were not the same ‘looser’ you felt you were just a few years ago.”
Willow was squirming slightly at the hat’s words.
Xander caught her eye. “At least Wills never had to sink to a point she trusted a hat’s opinion over her own or that of her friends or family.” He said with a pointed glance at the strange witches and wizards.
“When you hit bottom, you were brave enough to realize you needed help and ask your best friend, who you had hurt the most because of your addiction. You had a difficult time fighting your addiction but you were doing well until an accident pulled one of the legs out from under you and you lost it temporarily. When you finally came to your senses you were brave enough to continue with life and come to terms with your addiction-learning another way to manage it, instead of trying to find a way to end your pain.”
When Willow realized the hat had finished shuffling through her memories, she began to whisper under her breath.
“Quite interesting. As with almost all of you four, you’d fit well into any of the houses.” The hat was saying.
“What’s the girl saying?” Mad Eye asked, his one good eye narrowed.
“She’s praying.” Remus said, having picked up the gist of what girl was whispering thanks to his werewolf senses.
Ignoring the interruptions the hat continued. “I’ve not had nearly as much fun sorting since I sorted young Harry Potter. And like young Harry, Willow here is a Gryffindor…”
Minerva nodded. “Thank you Hat.” She said extending her hand. Willow removed the hat and handed it to the older witch.
The sorting hat turned towards McGonagall. “These four are perfectly trustworthy… they won’t tell everyone about us… too bad there aren’t any more to sort, I miss the challenge.” It said kind of wistfully.
“Alright since the hat says you’re trustworthy you are free to leave… unless you’d like to join our cause?” Minerva said ignoring a disapproving glare from Mad-eye.
This statement caused the four younger adults to snicker and Giles to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“What makes you think we’ll trust you?” Buffy asked.