Aug 26 - Uh Oh!

Aug 26, 2022 22:05

Title: Day 26 - Uh Oh!
Author: acswatwst
Rating: FR-13
Crossover: BtVS / Ghost Busters (1975)/ Secrets of Isis
Word Count: 765
Disclaimer: This is a derivative work. All BtVS characters and concepts belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Fox Television, and others. Funimation/NBCUniversal owns the original (1975) Ghost Busters and Secrets of Isis.

Summary: Something happens when Andrea goes to adjust her energy detector.

"Stay here," Andrea said, getting out of her car. Even at lunch time this part of town seemed almost deserted, with no traffic. "I'll be right back."

"You shouldn't go up there alone," Joyce said. "What if the thing is there?"

"Yeah," Rennie said. "Wait. What thing?" she said, looking at Joyce.

"There might be a thing," Joyce said. "A ghost or something. We aren't sure if it are back."

"I'll be perfectly fine," Andrea said. "It's only coming out at night. I need to change several of the settings on my detector. It'll just take a minute."

"Miss Thomas, promise you'll at least call Isis for help, if you need it?" Rennie said.

"Of course," Andrea said. Patting the car, she turned and crossed the street. She paused on the doorstep for several seconds before entering the building and going out of sight.

"We should go make sure she's okay," Rennie said. "I don't like this."

"No," Joyce said. "If she has to worry about us it will take longer, and that thing might notice and come back."

They sat impatiently in the car. The only thing keeping them from jumping out and rushing in was knowing that Andrea would not be happy with them if they did.

"Maybe we should go get Mr. Mason," Rennie said. "She won't yell at him if he goes inside to help her."

"She took the car keys with her," Joyce said. "Do you know how to hot-wire a car? I don't."

"No," Rennie said, slumping back in her seat. "How long does it take to adjust a couple dials?"

"It should take longer to walk to the office and back. She should be coming back now," Joyce said.

There was a large cracking sound.

"What's that?" Rennie said, pointing at a spear of white light now going up into the sky from the building.

"I don't know but it can't be good," Joyce said, getting out of the car, keeping it between herself and the building. "Where's the nearest pay phone?"

Climbing out, Rennie joined her next to the car. "That way?" she said, pointing towards the intersection with Main Street, where she could see a phone booth.

"You go call Mr. Mason," Joyce said, handing her a handful of coins. "I'm going to find out what's happening inside."

"I should go with you," Rennie said, objecting to the idea.

"Then who's going to get help?" Joyce said. "Go call him. He'll listen to you. He doesn't really know me."

Rennie sighed, but nodded. "Be careful." Turning she raced down the street towards the pay phone.

"Here we go," Joyce said, taking a deep breath. "Into the chaos." Crossing the street, she ran up to the building entrance and into the lobby. There was something very wrong with the inside of the building. Everything glowed with a white light and kept going in and out of focus.

"I've been in worse situations. Probably," Joyce said, squinting. "Not that I remember them." Making her way to the stairway, she hurried up to the second floor and out into the hallway. Things got worse the closer she got to the Spectral Investigations office.

She had to push against a wall of light to enter the office. Crossing the threshold, there was a large noise, like two very large heavy objects colliding, and she was knocked off of her feet. Hitting the floor, she blacked out.


Rennie was just dialing Mr. Mason's number when there was a heavy thump, the ground vibrating like an earthquake. Sticking her head out of the phone booth, she couldn't see the old building. A huge cloud of dust blocked her view of it. Even the bright spear of light wasn't visible.

"Mr. Mason, Mr. Mason!" Rennie shouted into the phone. "You have to come down here now. Something's happened."

"Rennie? Where are you?" Mr. Mason said.

"Near the old build where that detective office is," Rennie said. "Miss Thomas went inside to adjust her detector, and something strange happened. There was a bright light."

"Where's Joyce?" Mr. Mason said.

"She went inside to see what happened, and told me to call you," Rennie said.

"That's good," he said, sounding relieved.

"No, it's not," Rennie said, looking as the dust cloud spread out, hiding Miss Thomas's car from sight. "There was a noise, and an earthquake and now there's a big cloud of dust, and I can't see the building anymore."

"Don't go anywhere," he said. "I'll be right there."

"Someone called the fire department," Rennie said, hearing sirens. "I'll stay right here. Hurry!"

fandom: ghost busters 1975, author: acs, !2022 august event, fandom: secrets of isis

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