17 Aug 22 - New Horizons

Aug 17, 2022 18:32

Title: New Horizons
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / The 355
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 1546
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of The 355 belong to Universal Pictures, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Note: So, watched this over the weekend and have been trying to figure out how to write what I want to happen. This is a rough idea. What you need to know about "The 355", is that it is female agents from competing intelligence agencies working together to save the world. Some, if not all, of them get in trouble with their own agencies and at least the American (Mace) is considered a fugitive by the CIA. Oh, and Lin's father was also on camera for purposes of this fic.

Summary: A phone call from a contact opens a new opportunity for the Scoobies' restructured council.

New Horizons
By Beriaearwen

The soft knock at her door drew Buffy's attention away from the action maps and data she was reviewing to find trends in supernatural activity. "Come" she called. A smile crossed her face a moment later when Xiu, one of their newer Slayers, poked her head into the room.

"You busy?" she asked.

"Not too busy for you," Buffy assured. She tried her best to never be too busy for any Slayer no matter how busy she actually was or how much sleep she'd lose because of the interruption. "What's up?" she asked, taking in Xiu's tense shoulders and worried face as well as the phone clutched in her hand.

"My sister's boss called. There's something going on and, well, here," she babbled before thrusting the phone at the older woman.

"Hello?" Buffy inquired, bringing the phone to her ear.

"Miss Summers. We met a few months ago when you came to see Xiu. I work with her sister. Do you remember me?" he opened

"I do," Buffy replied. "We greatly appreciate your efforts in working with us."

"Thank you. There is a situation that has arisen recently that, while it has nothing to do with your world, does have to do with saving the world."

Buffy didn't even hesitate to offer, "What do you need? How can we help?"

"The response I expected," he replied, the slightest hint of relief in his voice. "An object has been created which should not have been. Due to a series of mistakes, misunderstandings and miscommunications, there is a group of women hunting the object which has come into our sphere. Xiu's sister is under cover at the moment and laying a trap to capture those who would own it. But the other agents are likely to show up and at least one of them, if not more than one, has been falsely painted with the brush of a traitor. Another is not a field operative but caught up in it anyway."

Buffy, having been listening intently replied, "Perhaps this conversation should happen face to face. Mr. Giles and I can be there within the day, unless it is more urgent and then within six hours."

"Thank you. I will see you in seven hours at the same address as last time."

Buffy ensured the call had disconnected and handed the phone back to Xiu.

"My sister?" she asked, anxiously.

"Is fine right now, she's on an operation," Buffy assured. "This is something else. Would you please step next door and ask Mr. Giles to come here? I need to call some others to meet."

"Of course," Xiu agreed, stepping out of the room.


"I understand why he thought of us," Xander said, breaking the thoughtful silence of the room. "We need more information."

"We do," Buffy agreed. "I told him Giles and I would be there in, five hours now. But we've all been seeing more and more crossover the past few years. Having people who know how to operate in that world as well as ours would be a benefit."

"If we can trust them," Willow sighed.

"If they're agents at that level, they're loyal. If they broke that loyalty to save the world, then they can be loyal to us," Faith added.

"Giles?" Buffy asked.

Giles waited another moment before replying, ordering his thoughts. "We will need more information and to vet them thoroughly before accepting them fully. It's an area we have all been reluctant to enter, but times are changing and so is our need. If nothing else, all of our personnel can benefit from their knowledge of blending into the background."

Everyone in the room looked grim as they thought on recent problems and losses.

"Right," Buffy said, bringing everyone's thoughts to the present. "Giles, let's get packed. Willow, we'll need your help with transport. Xander -"

"I'll prep housing for them. I doubt they'll want to stay in the dorms," Xander stated, rising from his seat.

"I'll update the department heads and others about what's going on," Faith offered, rising from her seat.

"After I get the transport ready, I'll start setting up what we need computer-wise," Willow confirmed.

"Great," Buffy smiled. "Let's do this."


"We have our people moving into place," Buffy stated. "As you know, family is very important to us."

"Us as well," came the assurance of their MSS contact. "I am pleased that you have been able to prepare for them so swiftly."

"You made a compelling case," Buffy replied with a smile. "Though we need to work out details with the other agencies, will Lin be seconded, or will she be burned?"

"Seconded," he replied. "She has been keeping us informed and is on assignment for us. She will not be shamed for it, but, if things go as expected, she will work well with the others."

"Good," Buffy said, relieved. "She and Xiu have family here and they should be able to visit."

"What of the others?" he asked, allowing his curiosity to show.

"Giles is still working out details with the other agencies. Knowing that her partner is either working with or pretending to work with the enemy has put Mace in the worst case. We don't have good relations with the CIA, so I doubt we'll be able to do much there, at least not unless we can get them to listen to us before him."

"That was my thought as well."

"What? What's that?" Buffy asked in alarm at the fights and gun fights occurring at the auction house. She hated guns, but she hated sitting on the sidelines even more.

"That would be things going wrong," her contact responded grimly. "We will salvage what we can."


As soon as they were placed in the back of the transport, the people guarding them removed the handcuffs. The most petite one pulled off her helmet to reveal blonde hair.

"First off, I apologize for not letting you know sooner, but your families and loved ones are fine. They were not injured, that was just for show to convince Nick Fowler that things were going to his plan. Second, my name is Buffy Summers. I work for an organization not all of you have heard of - International Safety and Security Agency. We operate in a different sector of the world than what you're used to, but what we do is just as important. We owe loyalty to no country, just to the world as a whole. You all now, should you choose, will fall under our umbrella and help design your department. We've spoken to all of your agencies and most of you will be able to return without repercussion if you choose, however, we we ask you to at least allow us to give you our pitch before you decide. Third, we're taking you to an MSS facility to receive medical treatment and then we will be transporting you to our headquarters where you will have time to recover and think about your choices. Any questions?"

"Why should we trust you?" Marie asked, challenge in her eyes.

"Why did you trust each other?" Buffy countered. "We aren't asking you to trust us completely, not without the full story. Right now, we're asking you to trust us enough to get you medical attention and out of the country."

"You are the ones training my sister," Lin stated, eyes locked on Buffy.

Buffy smiled. "Xiu was worried. It'll make her day to see you in person."

Looks were exchanged among the others. "All right, we'll trust you that far," Marie agreed reluctantly.

"Great," Buffy agreed. "We should be at the medical facility within the next ten minutes. Right now, you also need to decide if you want to speak to your loved ones before or after you get medical attention and cleaned up. We're good with either."


"You sure you're all ready for this?" Buffy asked the group sitting in the conference room with her.

The integration of the group of women had gone well. They took the introduction to the Supernatural in stride and accepted that they were not suited to face most of it one on one. They had set up a slightly different mandate and it had been shared with the ISSA's contacts throughout the world. Graciella's skills as a psychologist were already being put to use, even as she recieved counselling for her experiences.

They had also chosen a name - The 355. It was the number by which the lone female spy in George Washington's spy network was known.

Two months after they had destroyed the microchip that could have destroyed the world, they wrapped up one last piece of business - taking down Nick Fowler.

Faith waited until the group left, a smile playing across her lips. She and three other Slayers slipped into the townhouse and found the temporarily paralyzed man sitting on the couch, a stunned look on his face.

She nodded to two of the Slayers to lift the man. They did, one on each side.

Faith stepped closer to Fowler. "You've been a naughty boy," she stated. "But don't worry, we have the perfect time out for you." Seeing worry and fear swimming in his eyes, she smiled a little more broadly. "OK, girls, let's take out the trash."


fandom: the 355, !2022 august event, author: beriaearwen

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