Aug 16 - The Morning Star

Aug 16, 2022 23:31

Title: The Morning Star
Author: Grundy
Rating: FR13
Crossover: LotR/Silmarillion
Disclaimer: All belongs to Whedon & Tolkien. No money is being made here, it's all in good fun.
Summary: Dawn has been warning them for years, she's not going to risk missing a "told you" moment.
Word Count: 340
Note: It's been rather a long day, so very short today as I don't have nearly enough time to do what I originally had in mind.

Tindomiel would have happily slept longer, but between the noise outside and Maeglin’s restlessness, she knew it was time to give up.

“She’s at it already, huh?” she sighed.

“I really think we ought to warn Ada,” he murmured. “He thinks Celeborn has been exaggerating.”

Tindomiel stared at him for a split second before she burst out laughing.

Then she hauled herself out of bed with far more alacrity than she usually demonstrated at this hour of the day.

Her mate, well used to her habits by now, raised an eyebrow.

“Come on, if your dad thinks Grandfather was overhyping her, do you really want to only hear about it secondhand?” she demanded, scrabbling through the wardrobe for her least fancy clothes. She made it even odds on whether her sister made it through the day without bloodshed, and someone had be prepared.

Smart money said it wouldn’t be their brothers. Hopefully Grandfather would have remembered to have the first aid kit handy before he let Anariel prove that she could too do everything he’d said.

She would feel worse about her mate’s father, who she liked, being the one on the receiving end, but everyone had to learn sometime that they really did mean it about the Slayer. Better Eöl, who was well able for it, than any of their Noldorin grandfathers. Or uncles. (Though she felt like Anariel might go slightly easier on Uncle Ingo. Unless she happened to remember the crap advice…)

Tindomiel paused only for the basics of hygiene and opted for the simplest hairstyle that would end with multiple grandmothers deploring her setting foot outside like that.

Then she dragged a bemused Maeglin in her wake as she headed out to the gardens, following the sound of her sister just warming up.

“Cheer up, once she gets showing your dad out of her system, it’ll probably turn into a team match.”

Maeglin tried to demur, but she wouldn’t let him.

“You don’t have to play if you don’t want to, but you’ll want to see the show.”

!2022 august event, author: grundy, fandom: lord of the rings

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