August 16 - Third Time's a Charm (BtVS/Loki)

Aug 16, 2022 22:30

Title:  Third Time's a Charm
Author: GlitterAngelEm
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Loki
Rating: PG
Word Count: 823
Summary: In which Buffy and the Lokis make their landing.  Well, a few landings.

Their first attempt with the TemPad did not quite work out as intended.

Take that back.

It did take them out of the Void, which was very much intended.  Unfortunately, it took them directly to the explosion of -

“Ah!  A volcano!” Buffy yelled as red lava shot into the sky, loud booming echoing through the sky, drowning out the screams of people running away in fear.

“Find us somewhere else!” Kid Loki yelled, holding her arm in a vice grip.

“I’m trying!” Buffy yelled back at him with a glare, even as she kept a strong grip in Alligator Loki, whose own roars of disapproval were drowned out by the booming and hissing of the actively exploding volcano.  “This thing is the weirdest combination of a pager and a tv!”

“What are those?” Kid Lock asked

Ignoring him, she only growled under her breath as she pushed buttons, silently sighing as she the glowing door popped up and they skittered through.  Her relief was short lived as they landed in the middle of a swamp.

“Ewwww,” she said in disgust, as her pants were immediately drenched by the bog water.  Alligator Loki gave another growl - different from the last - and Kid Loki immediately shook his head.

“No, we’re not staying here,” he said, turning to Buffy and reiterating, “We’re not.”

“Of course not,” she agreed, once again tapping buttons, giving herself a little bit longer, now that they weren’t in imminent danger of either being eaten by Alioth or being killed by a volcano.  Giving both Lokis bright smiles, she said, “Third time’s a charm!”

As soon as the glowing doorway once again appeared, winked them out of the bog.

Dr. Strange was expecting visitors.  It was, after all, just about the hour that Wong and America had agreed to visit.  He would never admit it to them, but he had gotten rather attached to their little travel unit, and was a little lonely without them.

But he was starting to carve out a real life again, something he had not done in a long time.  He even met Christine for coffee now and then.

All in all, he was becoming content with us life.

So the sound of a portal was one he turned to meet with a grin, his grin fading as a glowing orange door appeared and three individuals stumbled through: a young blond girl, a young brunette boy…wearing a helm similar to Loki’s, and…

An alligator.  With another Loki helm.

The grin slipped from his face and he slipped into a defensive position, two golden energy shields appearing in front of each hand.  The blond moved with unerring grace, stepping between him and the others, her movements inhumanely fast.

“No, wait!  We come in peace!” she said and he stopped at that, tilting his head.

“They Day the Earth Stood Still?” he asked, still keeping the shields up.

She shrugged.  “Oh, I have no idea.  That’s one of the go to phrases when you meet strange people with weird powers, isn’t it?  Like, we mean no harm?”

“It was actually ‘We mean no harm to you or any lifeforms’ from Star Trek,”

“Anyway,” she said, annoyance ringing in her voice.  “Point is.  Me and the Lokis?  We’re not here to cause any trouble.  We were just trying to escape the Void - “

“Wait,” Dr. Strange said, lowering his shields and pointing at the alligator.  “The Alligator is a Loki?  And who are you?”

The alligator grumbled in Dr. Strange’s direction as both of its companions rolled their eyes.  “Yes.  I’m Buffy, that’s Alligator Loki, and he’s Kid Loki.”

Dr. Strange shook his head, hands going up to massive a now-growing headache, even as the sound of another portal caught his attention.  More familiar people stepped out of the portal, with Wong and America halting in surprise at the odd assortment of individuals, Wong even doing a double-take as the alligator.

“Is that an alligator?”

“He’s a Loki,” Buffy, Kid Loki, and Dr. Strange chorused together.

“Oh,” Wong said before stuttering, “What?”

Before Dr. Strange could say a word, Buffy cleared her throat and said, “Look.  I know this all really weird and crazy, but it’s been a long…well, I have no idea how long…a really long time, and I would really like a shower and clean clothes right now because I smell like the swamp we dropped into before we got here.  And a stinky Buffy is an unhappy Buffy.  And an unhappy Buffy makes everyone else unhappy.”

“I would advise listening to her,” a muffled British voice called from Kid Loki’s pack, who had the grace to shrug in embarrassment under Buffy’s look of shock.  Pulling off the pack, he opened it and pulled out a small electronic device, which continued, “She truly is able to complain about anything and everything.”

“You heard Giles,” Buffy said, her eyes shining with happy tears.  “So.  About those clothes.”

fandom: mcu, !2022 august event, author: glitterangelem, fandom: loki

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