Aug 15 - Hints

Aug 15, 2022 23:39

Title: Day 15 - Hints
Author: acswatwst
Rating: FR-13
Crossover: BtVS / Ghost Busters (1975)/ Secrets of Isis
Word Count: 813
Disclaimer: This is a derivative work. All BtVS characters and concepts belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Fox Television, and others. Funimation owns the original (1975) Ghost Busters and Secrets of Isis.

Note: More setup. Hints. Things will start moving soon.

Summary: Joyce eats pizza and doesn't spill any major secrets, yet. And meets Rick Mason, another science teacher.

"You can have the spare room while you're here," Andrea said, showing Joyce around her apartment. "The couch opens out."

Joyce looked around the small room. Besides the couch, there was a desk and bookshelves. One wall was covered in pictures. "Is this when you went on that dig in Egypt?" she asked looking at a large photo of a temple.

"Yes," Andrea said. "It was a once in a lifetime opportunity after I finished college. That's a temple built by Hatshepsut near the Valley of the Kings."

"That must have been so amazing," Joyce said. Her gaze wandered along the other photos. "Do you think you'll ever get to go back?"

"As a tourist? Possibly. On another dig? Unlikely," Andrea said. "A dig usually takes up several months, and I have too many things keeping me here."

"That's too bad," Joyce said. "I'd like to travel some day. Visit all sorts of places around the world."

"You're young," Andrea said. "You'll have plenty of time. Go wash up. Rick should be here with the pizza in a few minutes."

Joyce nodded, and dug in her bag for some clean clothes. Andrea left her to it.


"So, you've been interning with some ghost hunters?" Rennie said, giving Joyce an intent look. "What's that been like?"

"Well, Iit didn't turn out like I expected," Joyce said. "I thought I was just going to be doing office work while my Uncle Eddie and the others did whatever they do as Ghost Busters. Apparently there actually are ghosts, at least around their town."

"Spooky ones, like in the movies?" Rennie said.

"Are you sure they were ghosts?" Rick said.

"Well, that seemed to be the only explanation for what I saw," Joyce said. "They weren't people wearing masks, like in Scooby Doo, though it sometimes feels like a cartoon with all of the running around and trying to catch whatever they are."

"That sounds like Eddie," Andrea said. "He's very excitable. I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for what you've seen."

"Andrea, without scientific evidence, we can't say she saw real ghosts," Rick said. "It could be a magnetic field or a trick of the light."

"Rick's a skeptic," Rennie said to Joyce in a low voice. "He thinks science can explain everything. Miss Thomas humors him. I think she's sweet on him."

"I'm sure science can explain those ghosts, Mr. Mason," Joyce said. "But I'm just the summer intern."

"An Mr. Mason knows Isis, so he knows science doesn't explain everything," Rennie said, winking at Joyce.

"You've met Isis?" Joyce said. "What's she like?"

"She's Isis," Rick said, shrugging. "She shows up whenever she's needed, Helps out and then goes away. We don't have long conversations."

"I'd like to meet her," Joyce said. "There aren't very many real superheroes. But I don't think I want to need to meet her."

"So, what are your plans for the week?" Rennie asked, before taking a bite of her slice of pizza.

"I have some summer intern things to do but otherwise I'm just visiting," Joyce said.

"Summer intern things?" Rennie said. "Like what?"

"Uncle Eddie, and Jake haven't heard from a couple friends of theirs who also run a ghost busting business.  They asked me to check on them while I'm here," Joyce said.

"Do you think you'll see any ghosts?" Rennie said excitedly.

"Not unless they're in the middle of a case," Joyce said, "and I promised my Dad that I'd stay out of trouble. And they probably wouldn't like someone they don't know poking around."

"If you need a ride tomorrow, I can take you," Rennie said. "If it's okay with you and Miss Thomas."

"As long as you're careful," Andrea said. "If they're anything like Eddie, things are bound to be chaotic."

"Chaos is a good way to describe Uncle Eddie, Tracy, and Jake," Joyce said. "But I'm having fun so far. School is going to be so boring when the summer is over."

"You could move here to go to school," Rennie said. "Things can get really exciting around here with Isis popping up occasionally."

"I'm sure her family would miss her," Andrea said.

"My sister probably wouldn't," Joyce said. "But I don't think my parents would like the idea."

"You're going to be here for a week," Rennie said. "I'm sure we can think of a reason for you to stay."

"Rennie," Andrea said, shaking her head.

"It's just a thought," Rennie said. "What if we need to deal with a ghost? One that Isis can't handle?"

"Then we'll get some help," Andrea said. "But Joyce can't stay."

"Someone needs to keep an eye on Uncle Eddie and Tracy," Joyce said. "And I work in my parent's bookshop. They'd have to hire someone if I wasn't there to help out. Otherwise I'd love to hang out here for my senior year."

fandom: ghost busters 1975, author: acs, !2022 august event, fandom: secrets of isis

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