Aug 12 - In The Garden

Aug 12, 2022 23:39

Title: In The Garden
Author: Grundy
Rating: FR13
Crossover: LotR/Silmarillion
Disclaimer: All belongs to Whedon & Tolkien. No money is being made here, it's all in good fun.
Summary: A quiet moment as Anariel and the twins get used to Tirion - and Tindomiel's version of visiting relatives.
Word Count: 1045
Note: Running short on time, so this didn't end up quite as I meant. Looking forward to the weekend...

Anariel wasn’t suspicious when she didn’t see her sister for a while. There were a lot of relatives wandering around, and the King’s House - which wasn’t just a house, but a whole complex - weren’t exactly small. She just assumed Tinu was there somewhere.

Besides, there was plenty to keep her busy. Aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, trying to learn her way around… (Her brothers had made sure she knew which room was hers. She wasn’t ready to hide out just yet, but it was good to know where to go when she was.)

It wasn’t until her little sister showed up looking slightly shellshocked that it occurred to her to wonder what Tindomiel might have been up to.

“I do not get it,” Tinu announced, plopping down on the grass next to Maeglin.

The six of them had appropriated a quiet corner of the gardens to hang out, and for a wonder the grandparent brigade had left them to it. Anariel had never seen half the flowers here before. She also liked the Valinorean wind chimes, which were nothing like the ones she remembered in California. Much like the ones in Valimar, they were quiet up close, but musical at a distance away. She really wanted to find out how they worked. Maybe she could make some with songs from California…

Tinu noticed the Inglorions and glanced around suspiciously.

“Lissë’s not part of whatever this is, right?” she asked.

“This is just us hanging out,” Anariel informed her. “Enjoying peace, quiet, flowers, and stars.”

“She and Mírimë were listening in on Grandfather and Uncle Eöl last we saw them,” Elrohir shrugged.

“Good,” Tinu said in relief.

“Doesn’t that depend on what stories Uncle Celeborn is telling?” Gilrod smirked.

Tinu’s eyes narrowed, but then she relaxed.

“He’s more likely to be telling stories about her than me,” she declared, waving at her older sister.

Anariel rolled her eyes.

“So?” Maeglin asked.

Tindomiel’s expression said that she didn’t particularly want to talk about whatever it was.

“So what?” Elladan asked, his attention sharpening. “What have you been up to, Tinu?”

Their little sister tried to play innocent, but Maeglin didn’t realize she hadn’t intended to tell them, and spilled the beans.

“She went to visit our uncles in the Halls,” he explained.

“You went to make trouble about the dress Anariel snorted.

“No,” Tinu said, suddenly all dignified. “I went to tell our grandfathers that you got here and were insulted that you thought you needed a babysitter.”

The twins snickered.

“…and just happened to mention the dress,” Anariel said drily.

“Yes, I mentioned the dress!” Tindomiel said defensively. “They asked how your first appearance went, and I told them. And I sort of mentioned whose tunic Uncle Moryo made over.”

“And?” Elrohir prompted.

“He took the dress thing surprisingly well. Also, you’re already the favorite niece. Something about being the best parts of Grandmother and Lúthien put together. And that’s before he finds out how lethal you are to evil creatures.”

Anariel thought for a second.

“That’s fair,” she decided.

“Stop encouraging her,” Elladan protested. “It was bad enough before you told her Celegorm is willing to give up his clothes for her!”

“And his weapons,” Anariel pointed out.

“Yeah, I mentioned that too. He definitely approved. No one else did, I might add.”

“You are making it worse,” Elrohir sighed.

“You two better get used to it, he’s going to show up eventually,” Anariel pointed out.



Arador started snickering.

“I may have accidentally promoted Celegorm to uncle,” Tindomiel admitted.

The twins looked appalled.

“I really don’t see why you are so worked up,” Maeglin said. “He is not so fearsome as you seem to think.”

“Menegroth,” Tindomiel reminded him quietly.

The twins fired up to respond, but Anariel took a bit of the wind out of their sails.

“Haru said it was our grandmother Nimloth who killed him, so as stupid as his reasons for being there were, it was at least a fair fight,” she said.

The twins looked like they had swallowed a lemon. (Each.)

“He killed both Ada’s grandparents, if you recall,” Elrohir pointed out.

“Just saying, he killed them, she killed him, sounds like a draw to me.”

“Your math is very strange,” Elrohir shot back. “Two to him, one to her actually sounds like a win for him.”

“Don’t say that in front of Nimloth,” Tindomiel advised. “I got smacked for being nice to haru, nevermind Celegorm.”


All three of her older siblings had spoken in unison, but it was Anariel’s tone that was the dangerous one.

“Yeah. Not a good day. I’ve been avoiding her since. Bright side, I don’t think she’s returning anytime soon. Very much not ready for the world.”

Anariel frowned.

“Maybe she needs to be out in the world. Didn’t you say Eluréd and Elurín are in Neldoreth?”

“I think that was Grandmother,” Elladan said. “But yes, it seems they are back. So why would their mother not wish to return?”

“Don’t look at me,” was Tindomiel’s response. “I’m sticking with ‘staying away from her’.”

“What makes you so confident Celegorm will ever be let out?” Gilrod asked.

“Namo said so,” Anariel shrugged. “Given his dubious grasp on the concept of ‘joking’, I’m pretty sure he meant it.”

“Aunt Nerdanel will be happy to hear that,” Arador said.

“Yes, I didn’t get a chance to tell her yet,” Anariel said, looking pensive. “I wanted to say it without a ton of people around.”

She frowned.

“She’s out here in the gardens also. Maybe I’ll take care of that now.”

She stood up.

“I’ll be back. Probably.”

“Probably?” Arador asked.

“Yeah, I should sleep at some point. Might try that after I share the good news.”

“You don’t need that much sleep,” Tindomiel snorted.

“She probably does, actually,” Elladan snickered. “Between riding through the night and that I’m guessing she either didn’t sleep or barely slept at all last night, she could stay up again tonight, but that would make for a cranky little sister by lunchtime tomorrow. And I doubt the Tirion relatives are ready for that just yet. They’re still getting used to mild injuries.”

“Just remember, it was your idea to ride through the night to get here,” Elrohir said cheerfully.

!2022 august event, author: grundy, fandom: lord of the rings

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