A guest at the Wayne Manor

Aug 12, 2022 22:09

Title: A guest at the Wayne Manor
Author: Indra Leigh
Rating: FR13
Crossover: BtVS and Batman
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Batman
Summary: Dawn comes to Gotham for research and meets Alfred
Warnings: nope.
Timeline/Setting: Sometime after Chosen and I like the Batman’s with Michael Caine as Alfred.
Author's notes(if any): It’s fanfic…. Cue hand waving for ages and dates of characters.
Over on the TTH site I have a collection of ficlets of the Slayer and Watcher’s Council International (new council) building a school, slayer refuge, whatever it ends up being and I’m planning on making all of this month’s entries in that universe.

Dawn followed the man who introduced his self as Alfred into the massive mansion. They came into a kitchen from the garage, focused on following Alfred she almost walked into him when he stopped at the fridge. Opening the door and taking out a jug of milk he pleasantly said “There’s cookies on the table for you Miss Dawn.”

Startled Dawn backed up, turned, and took a moment before she could talk. “I haven’t come home to warm cookies since Mom died. Dawn please. I’d rather no miss.”

Alfred nodded not saying anything as he poured a glass of milk for the young lady who had come to Gotham for research. Xander had called a couple of weeks prior asking if Dawn could stay in the Wayne Manor while she had appointments to read some books kept at the University. Alfred was quick to agree to her staying and was ready to allow her access to the library to the Wayne family books. Not knowing what she was reading about he didn’t know if the family collection of be of any help but he didn’t want her to miss the opportunity.

Xander and Bruce had texted some since Alfred had pushed Bruce to visit the new council house. This was the first chance for Alfred to meet one of Giles’s claimed kids and he was excited for the chance. Being roommates in boarding school helped develop a strong friend ship until they parted ways when Giles’s father pulled him out for family council commitments, much to Giles’s displeasure.

A few days later Bruce peeked into the kitchen hearing voices and curious what was going on. Alfred and Dawn were making something, probably cookies, and had some ingredients scattered across the counter. Letting the door fall closed Bruce headed to the library knowing the cooks would go there when they finished.

Alfred the mother hen had claimed another chick and Bruce was finding he didn’t mind Dawn being around. She was smart, clever, and didn’t go snooping. Alfred was back to smiling as he occasionally would be caught doing when Bruce was very young.

Bruce wondered if he should suggest the idea of making a room just for Dawn and future visits to Alfred, but carefully and subtly. Nope, that won’t work be because he knew he couldn’t sneak anything past Alfred. But to keep Alfred smiling and excited to have a young person in the house he would sure try.

fandom: batman, !2022 august event, author: indra leigh

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