9 Aug 22 - Retirement Job?

Aug 09, 2022 21:05

Title: Retirement Job?
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Nightwing (Batman)
Characters: Alfred Pennyworth, Buffy Summers, Xander Harris
Rating: suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 1153
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of Nightwing and Batman belong to DC Comics, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Note: Set during a short Nightwing arc called “The Return Of Alfred”. All you need to know for this story is that Alfred left his post at Wayne Manor and returned to live in England and find his love.


Retirement Job?
by Beriaearwen

He worked not to tense as the soft scuff of a shoe sounded behind him. He also shifted slightly so he would a, hopefully, safe place to put the flowers he was holding should he need to defend himself. Truly, though, he could only hope it was nothing.

He didn’t relax when a young lady appeared from the shadows and stood what would normally be a safe and respectful distance away.

“Mr. Pennyworth?” she asked.

The identification put him on alert.

The young woman noticed and held up her hands slightly. “I’m Buffy Summers. My colleagues and I were hoping to speak with you about an opportunity.”

“I’m really not looking for work right now, Miss Summers,” he politely refused.

“Understandable,” she agreed. “But we would appreciate a chance to speak with you, even if you choose not to help us.”

Alfred scanned the woman. She was postured to be harmless and open, but he had not spent far too long around dangerous people not to identify another when she presented herself.

Buffy sighed and her shoulders slumped. “Look, I get the suspicion, really, but let me get my card for you. If you’d lie to at least find out who I represent and how I got your name, call and we’ll meet whereever you choose, so long as it’s somewhere we won’t be easily overheard.”

He watched as she slowly reached into her pocket and withdrew a business card which she placed on the ground instead of handing it directly to him. He would take the card have to think of where they should meet, but he would wait at least long enough for her to leave. It may have been a while since he was actively involved in cloak and dagger games, but he certainly hadn’t forgotten how they are played.

“Thank you for your time,” she offered before backing away.

He nodded to her, both impressed and worried that she showed such respect. All those he had dealt with in his time in England were long gone or at least past their prime.

Once he was sure she was gone, he bent over to pick up the card with his handkerchief. Though he didn’t believe the young woman had laced it with anything, it was better safe than sorry.

Tucking the handkerchief wrapped card into his pocket, he smiled at the stage door opened.


Alfred strolled along the path in Hyde Park, softly humming, a small smile on his face. Thing had gone well last night and he was looking forward to tonight as well. He heard the couple approaching before they stepped up beside him, their laughter sounding genuine.

He was put slightly at ease as the couple stood to one side rather than bookending him. It put things on a friendlier footing. He also noticed the distance they maintained between him and themselves; it was larger than what one found in Europe and was indicative of America.

“Thank you for calling,” the blond from last night greeted. “There’s a bench up ahead a bit isolated if you wouldn’t mind resting there. What we have to say might be startling.”

Alfred swallowed, not sure he wanted to get involved in something startling, not when he was just starting over again. “Of course,” he agreed graciously, allowing them to lead him to the bench in question. Once seated, he turned slightly to look at the duo.

“As you know, I’m Buffy Summers. This is my friend and co-worker, Xander Harris. Just so I know where to begin, what do you know about the supernatural world?”

“Oh, dear,” Alfred breathed out, slightly flustered. “I know that it is real. It stays in the shadows and that I as little desire to interact with it now as I did in my youth. Not at all.”

“Fair enough,” Xander agreed. “We could use someone of you reputed skills as a trainer, but a no is a no. However, that said, there is something we’d like to ask.”

“Two somethings,” Buffy interjected.

“Oh, yeah. Two somethings,” Xander amended.

Alfred nodded slowly.

Buffy began speaking again. “There was an organization that focused on the supernatural and ensuring it didn’t intrude too much in the rest of the world. I was, at one time, loosely associated with this group before we parted ways. Unfortunately, they were destroyed in a bombing a bit over a year ago and with them, all of their books and knowledge.”

“We asked for some official help recently to identify families that might have information or books we could use,” Xander continued, not letting Alfred respond. “The Pennyworth family came up as one potential and we did some more research and found your name.”

“So our first request,” Buffy jumped in, “is if you would be willing to donate or sell, for a reasonable price, some books your family may own.”

Alfred leaned back and looked over the water before them, processing their words and thinking through what he knew.

There were several storage units he needed to go through filled with Heaven knew what from his relatives. He certainly had no need for that many things, so selling the books wouldn’t be a hardship. He could get a copy of the inventory lists from his solicitor.

He nodded to himself before turning back to face the younger adults. “I’ll see about putting together an inventory of books to let you review. If there are any you require, we can discuss that further at a later time.” He noticed both young people relax.

“Thank you,” Xander and Buffy both said.

“Of course,” Alfred replied. “And your second request?”

“We would still love for you to come do training, even as a consultant for a few weeks, but if you aren’t amenable to that, we would appreciate if you would, at the very least, report in any suspicious activity you see or hear about,” Buffy requested.

Alfred gave it a moment’s thought. “My plans are currently not settled, but I would be willing to report anything along your lines wherever I end up.” He blinked as he was presented with two bright smiles that made him long to see Dick again.

“Thank you,” Xander said, pulling an envelope out of his pocket. “That’s a full listing of contact number - main and regional.”

“And the door is always open if you’d like to do a little more,” Buffy added with an impish grin.

Alfred couldn’t help but chuckle at that.

Xander and Buffy both rose from their seats. “Thank you for your time and your assistance, Mr. Pennyworth,” Xander said, sincerity ringing in his voice.

“Take care,” Buffy commanded before they walked away.

Alfred spent another few moments sitting on the bench enjoying the peace and letting the conversation settle before he stood, tucked the envelope into his pocket and headed in the opposite direction of the others.

He had things to do.


fandom: batman, !2022 august event, author: beriaearwen

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