August 8 - New York Memories (BtVS/Hawkeye MCU)

Aug 08, 2022 21:51

Title:  New York Memories
Author: GlitterAngelEm
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Hawkeye/MCU
Rating: PG
Word Count: 384
Author's Notes: The old Scoobies (and friends) visit New York City for the Christmas holiday and have the unique opportunity see the hottest show in town.  Takes place after the episode 6 of Hawkeye.

Every year, the Council splurged on an “all expenses paid” trip coinciding with a holiday chosen by popular vote.  This year, winning by just a few votes, was Christmas in New York.   All things considered, it should have been a fabulous trip.  Memorable.

Which, it was.  Perhaps just not the way they intended.

First, the charity auction gala they had been invited had descended into chaos and evacuated early after something had happened in the basement of the building.

Second, their visit to the famous Rockefeller Christmas Tree and skate on the iconic skating rink below had been a bust.  Seems like an all out battle had ensued and said tree had been knocked down and splayed all over the rink.

Third, they had been given tickets to the incredibly popular and sold out showing of Rogers: The Musical.  With the reviews for the show, it seemed like a sure bet, a great time.  As the Council members walked out of the theatre after the final curtain call, they could only look at each other, and the other members of the audience in bemusement.

After a particularly excited person sang out, “I can do this all daaaaaaayyy!” and had the rest of the crowd leaving the theatre cheering, Dawn turned to Buffy and said, “So there was that.”

“I used to be upset that we never got any attention for what we did,” Xander chimed in, still shaking his head.  “I mean, with saving the world on a regular basis, you’d think we’d maybe get a hearty handshake and a pat on the back.”

“Buffy did get that umbrella, back in high school,” Willow said, “But yeah.  That was kinda it.”

“I’m more than fine flying under the radar,” Faith said, glaring at an enthusiastic theatre-goer passing them, still singing songs from the musical. “I never want to see a musical version of me.”

“I don’t know,” Dawn added mischievously, sending a smirk Faith’s way, “I could see it.  ‘I’m the new slayer, I’m five by five.  Wrestling alligators, it’s how I thrive.’”

Laughter overpowered Faith’s growl, and she lunged at Dawn, who squeaked and cowered into Buffy’s shoulder.  Falling into step with the slowly dispersing audience, they laughed and joked as snowflakes started to fall, closing out their unexpected, unusual, but memorable trip.

fandom: mcu, !2022 august event, author: glitterangelem

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